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Portrait photography in the City of London

Romantic Portraits in London

As regular readers will know, the majority of my work is with children and families. I do also photograph adults and I was so thrilled when Harry booked me to photograph himself and his partner to celebrate their anniversary. It’s such a lovely idea for an anniversary gift, something which, as the years go by, they will be able to look back on as they build their lives together. It’s a gift to truly last a lifetime.

It was such a pleasure and a privilege to meet these two for our London portrait session. I loved hearing about their lives, their jobs, and their plans for the future. I even got a recommendation for an incredible ice cream parlour which I’m looking forward to trying when the weather warms up again next year.

Photographs including the sights of the city

Starting in the city of London we went on a wonderful adventure as we took our pictures. We explored so many of London’s most iconic sights to create dynamic and distinctive images. I love the challenge of including architecture in my pictures, creating vibrant compositions which show our wonderful city while also capturing the personalities of my subjects.

So from Thomas Heatherwick’s wonderful Paternoster Vents, known as the Angel Wings at Paternoster Square to a game of Connect Four in the lobby of the apartment block we used the elements around us to creative effect.

Working with the light for dynamic portraits

We had beautiful weather for our photo shoot, and I loved to utilise the patches of light and shade to create different types of images from silhouettes to in amongst the wonderful brutalist architecture of the Barbican Centre in the City of London.

Using light is always so interesting and for me it’s lovely to have an opportunity to really experiment with it when photographing adults – when photographing two year olds you don’t have so much control over placement of people – and so I found it so rewarding to use the light and architecture in different ways for such distinctive portraits.

A brilliant day of couple photography in London

It was a fantastic day, and we did so much. I can’t wait to finish processing these lovely images and share the full set with the couple. In the meantime, it’s a joy to share this sneak preview here on the blog to give a flavour of what is to come from this portrait photography shoot in the city of London.

If you would like to arrange something similar for you and your partner then do get in touch, I’d love to hear from you and book you in for a portrait shoot amongst the sights and sounds of London, we’ll have a wonderful time.