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Baby Photography in St Johns SE8

South London baby photography

I spent a wonderful morning in St Johns in South London photographing this wonderful family. The baby photography session had been booked in by Joe as a gift for his wife, and what a brilliant idea for a present: family photography is something that will be treasured more and more as the years go by.

Baby photography at four months

Four months is a lovely time for baby photography and this little one was such a cutie, smiling away and enjoying her time with the camera. A pesky tooth or two, beginning to show themselves, meant that there were moments that were unsettled but this is all part and parcel of baby photography and I urge people not to worry about things like this. We always find the joyful moments in between the odd grumble as you will see here today with smiles shining through in the pictures.

Using different rooms to add variety to a family photo shoot

Reflecting the unique house was one of the elements of this photoshoot that was particularly fun for me. The décor was fantastic, beautiful paintings on the walls, and the most joyful interior design from a jungle wall to the use of houseplants to add character to the rooms. Everything seemed to tell a story and it was inspiring to see the family story mapped out in memories on the walls, I’m so excited my pictures will be added to this.

There were also lots of mirrors which always add a fun dimension on a baby photo shoot as little ones love to chat to the baby in the mirror and see the little face smiling back.

Working around the house in different rooms is a great way to create interesting and varied portrait photographs of babies while keeping the little ones entertained and engaged. Each room has a different feel and it’s nice to record the space as that will be full of memories too. I love looking back at old pictures taken in my home when I was growing up, remembering an old sofa or the giant wood cased TV – so different from a modern flat screen – but these little things take us back and remind us of times with our loved ones.

I find that moving around keeps things interesting for little ones as they get to play in different spaces and it’s such a joy to incorporate all their favourite things into the pictures we take – play mats, bouncing chairs, favourite toys, these are all wonderful additions to a set of baby photos.

Outdoor baby photographs on Hilly Fields

As little ones often sleep really well in their buggies we headed out for a walk at naptime. It’s always nice to get some fresh air and we’re so lucky here in London that we have so many wonderful parks on our doorsteps, green spaces that become so important for family life. Walking around Hilly Fields we could see what an incredible community it is with kid’s football games going on, happy children playing on the swings, and runners stretching their muscles sprinting up the hills. Stopping at the café we bumped into neighbours, and everyone was cheerful, it’s such a lovely area. A swift sandwich for the adults and then the little one woke up and was ready for some pictures.

As is often the way with things, the weather turned soon after we started taking pictures and we ended up rushing from the park, laughing at the unexpected rainstorm. But before that, what wonderful opportunities for pictures! I often think you don’t need long in a place, but a total change of scene can add something fantastic to a photo shoot even if it’s just ten minutes taking pictures outside. The shot from the top of the hill with London in the background is a favourite from the session and will, I expect, be finding its way into my baby portfolio when I revamp my website this year, I love the joyful expressions and the wonderful sense of place.

Back home for some final pictures

We then headed back for a few final pictures before I headed home and left everyone for a well-deserved nap (I slept happily in my cab back). It was a truly wonderful morning with such a lovely family, and I hope that we will see each other again as the years go by. Building long term relationships is the core of my business and watching children grow up is the biggest joy for me as a baby and family photographer. I can’t wait to see everyone again in a year or so.

In the meantime, I’m processing the pictures ready for the family viewing session of their baby photography shoot in St Johns SE8 and this sneak preview gives just a taster of what they can look forward to.

If you like what you have seen here today and would like to book a baby or family photo shoot then do get in touch via the contact form or give me a call on 0345 603 1373, I’d love to hear from you and together we can create the perfect set of baby and family photos for you and your children to treasure.