Christmas Baby and Family Photo Shoot in Camden

Family photos with a Christmas theme
Just before Christmas I had the joy of visiting one of my favourite families for some Christmas pictures. We have been meeting for regular photo shoots since I photographed their eldest’s newborn photo shoot back in 2021. Since then, we’ve shared many adventures around London and, this summer, I had the privilege of photographing their second sons newborn portrait session. It’s all been so much fun and the wonderful collection of pictures we are creating for the boys when they are older is something I’m really proud of, these are definitely family photographs to treasure.
At home family photo shoots
This family photo shoot took place at home so we could work around the little one’s nap times and to include the families Christmas decorations and have a really festive feel to the day. I loved seeing some of the same decorations from our last Christmas photo shoot including the lovey wooden model with moving train that is just the kind of thing that will keep the children mesmerised now, and that will be full of memories as they grow up.
Christmas traditions
It’s not just the toys that feel so traditional at Christmas, it’s also the feel of this wonderful time of year. One of the pictures that drew me in is the eldest peeking up the chimney, looking to see if Santa is there. It’s just the kind of thing that Christmas is all about, along with sitting and looking longingly at the presents under the tree. I remember spending time doing that as a child, just sitting by the tree wondering what those boxes contained, and which ones were for me and which for my brothers. What lucky people we are to have such memories and I’m so glad I’ve taken pictures to record them for this family.
Blowing out the advent candle
The advent candle was clearly another important part of the families Christmas traditions, and I love the excitement and the faces when it came to blow it out. Kids are so physical with their exaggerated body language, and I love this, it makes for such good pictures and really captures the excitement and joy of the moment. I’m not sure which expression is my favourite from this shoot, the eldest as he blows out the candle or his younger brothers wide eyed gasp of surprise as his parents lean in for a kiss. Both have kept me giggling as I’ve been processing this wonderful Camden family photo shoot.
Photographs of the boys together
Of course, everyone loves a picture of the children together and it was a fun challenge with a four-month-old, who wasn’t yet sitting up, and a very active three-year-old who didn’t want to sit still. I love a challenge though and it’s so nice to have some beautiful pictures of the boys together with the tree in the background to give us the festive context.
First Christmas baby portraits
It’s always lovely to take portraits on all my photo shoots as well as the active documentary style images and so when the eldest got tired we headed upstairs so take some portrait pictures of the baby on his parents’ bed. I love the variety of images we can take over the course of a morning’s photo shoot, working around the children and their energy levels to create stunning images to treasures.
Final family photo
We finished with my favourite image from the shoot, a formal, or formal-ish, family photo in the drawing room. Mum, dad, and baby posed in front of the beautiful fireplace and, to keep us grounded in reality and the thing that makes the image special to me, the eldest fast asleep on the sofa in the foreground. This, for me, is the kind of picture that will span the decades as a favourite. It’s got everyone in, it gives context, and it is infused with humour. I know the boys will find it hilarious as they get older and I hope they will treasure it, and the other images from this wonderful day, down the years. If they do then I will have done my job well, creating these memories for everyone to enjoy as time goes on, this is what it’s all about.
Book a 2025 photo shoot for your family
If you have liked what you have seen here today and want to find out more about booking a family photo shoot for your family, then do drop me a line via the contact form and we can plan the perfect day for your family and create memories for you all to treasure for generations.