Bank Holiday Fun
I hope everyone has had a lovely bank holiday, Tom and I certainly did.
For what promises to be the only weekend off we have together over the summer (putting a portrait photographer and a wedding photographer together is terrible for your social life!), we spent a wonderful few days catching-up with friends, bimbling around the house doing random chores (it’s only taken a year since moving in to paint those shelves), making mango chutney (okay, so that hasn’t been put off for a year but we ran out of the last batch) and bottling our first batch of home brew. Lovely.
On Monday we got together with our good friends Lucy and Jerome and their son Ben, and headed off to Thetford for some mountain biking. Both Tom and I forgot to take a camera but I did take a couple of snaps when we got home in the evening. So here are a few pictures of Ben enjoying the playground behind the house in that all important twenty minute slot between turning the roast lamb down and adding the potatoes.
Bank holidays rock!