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A Fun Family Photo Shoot in Greenwich Park

Sneak Preview from a Family Photo Shoot in Greenwich

I’m thrilled to be sharing a sneak preview from a recent family photo shoot in Greenwich Park today. I’m a South London girl at heart and although I’ve been living in Crouch End for several years I grew up in Blackheath, and Greenwich Park was the scene of many of my childhood adventures. Greenwich Park remains my favourite park in London and so when it was suggested as a location for this family photo shoot then I jumped at the opportunity.  We had a brilliant day, exploring the park, climbing trees, playing in the playground, drinking hot chocolate as we sheltered from the rain (who would have expected so much rain in June). It was such good fun.  I’m currently processing the images ready for our viewing but it’s lovely to share a sneak preview today. I really enjoy these blog posts which give my lovely clients a flavour of what is to come, show some recent work to my regular readers, as well as give new prospective clients and idea of what family photo shoots with me are like.  I hope you will all enjoy the pictures, this sneak preview of a few favourite images from this fun family photo shoot in Greenwich Park.

Family led photo shoots

One of the things that I love most about my work, and I believe one of the things which makes my family photo shoots so successful, is that they are child led.  I work with the dynamic of the families that I visit, doing the things that the children like to do and visiting places that are special to them.  This means that the photo shoots are such fun, the kids have a brilliant time, and the photos are full of joy and laughter.

As a photographer I could, of course, bring props and ideas and I do, of course have games and activities up my sleeve that will make a great picture.  But the things the children do of their own accord are always the best.  Kids are also so much braver than I would be.  I wouldn’t suggest kids climb so high or jump so far, all the little acts of courage that are so wonderful as they test their limits and find their way in the world.  The children were just brilliant to photograph so full of personality and so much fun, days like this are the best and I’m so lucky to be welcomed into their world to document their memories.

Watching for the Moment

Watching what the children do and anticipating the moment is also a big part of my work, when the little girl picked up this giant leaf, I expected her to do something funny with it, use it as a shield, an umbrella, a sword, it could have been anything. She used it as a hat which was perfect, I couldn’t have asked for anything better.  Watching, waiting, anticipating, and then taking the shot. This is what it’s all about.

I also find myself looking at the environment a lot when I’m taking pictures, I might see a potential frame and then have that in the back of my mind when photographing something different so that when someone moves into that area I have my composition already in my mind. That was the case with this beautiful shot of the mum and baby walking down the tree line. I knew I wanted to have that line of trees, I knew I wanted someone framed in the lighter area at the back, when she walked down and lifted her head to look at her son that was the moment for this lovely image.

Booking your own Family Photo shoot in Greenwich Park

I hope you have enjoyed this sneak preview from my recent family photography session in Greenwich Park. I can’t wait to share the full selection with my clients, it’s been so hard to choose just a few favourites today.  If you would like to arrange your own family photo shoot then do drop me a line via the contact form. I’m fully booked for July but there is some availability in August and very limited availability in September.  To find out more about how it works, about my prices, or read some recent press coverage then do explore the website. I hope you like what you see, and I hope to meet you for a family photo shoot in Greenwich Park soon.