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Baby and Family Photography in Mile End

East London baby and family photography

On the blog today, I’m thrilled to be sharing some favourite images from a recent baby and family photography session in Mile End in East London. I’m finding my work as a family photographer in London is bringing me to East London more and more as the years go on and I’m loving discovering new places and seeing more of this beautiful corner of our wonderful capital city.

Taking family photos is one of the nicest ways to experience an area as I get an insight into what it’s like to live somewhere. I’m lucky enough to see inside beautiful homes, I get to play in the parks, and I get go hear about all the local amenities, schools, restaurants, the best places to hang out and enjoy time with friends and family.

I was thrilled to visit this corner of Mile End in East London for my recent baby and family photo shoot, an area I didn’t know well but one that I hope to visit again soon

Family photography that’s all about you

When I first started my business I briefly considered setting up as a studio based photographer – indeed I interned in a studio for a while, learning the ropes of that side of the business. But the photographs never quite grabbed me, they told me what people looked like but often didn’t tell me who they were. There were no insights into their homes and their lives which bring so much to family photography.

And so, when I started my business back in 2003, I knew I wanted to work on location at my client’s home and the places they love to go so the images would be filled with memories for the families and particularly for the children in the photographs when they grow up.

Family photography at home in East London

Working in my clients homes or their favourite places gives our images context. Portraits include elements of interiors, we can see artwork on the wall, a favourite sofa, and the children’s toys. We can see the formal areas of the house but also the family rooms and how little ones love to roll around on their parents beds, jumping for joy at their athletic prowess as they bounce happily on soft duvets.

It also means that we have everything we need to hand on our photo shoots, snacks and drinks and also, for the little ones, their beds if they need a morning nap. Keeping to your usual routine means that family photo shoots are a joy and everyone is relaxed and happy along the way as you can see in this lovely selection of images from my baby and family photography session in Mile End in East London.

Indoor images on a family photo shoot

On this photo shoot we started indoors as the little one had woken early and so gone back to sleep early. Even arriving at 8am we didn’t have time to take any pictures before their first nap.

This is why I like to arrive early, it means that any change in expected routine is not an issue and we had a brilliant time playing with the older one while his little brother slept. Older children love that one on one mummy and daddy time and it was such a pleasure to be introduced to a fantastic dinosaur game and be reminded of my love for the BFG when he had a story read to him. Children are amazing, they are such great company, so welcoming of new people, and there was so much laughter as we took these pictures together.

Quiet moments and boisterous games

Indoor activities can be really varied, and I love this about them. From reading quietly or playing a game, to the excitement of a pillow fight, there’s so much joy to be had and so much creativity to explore when taking photos of everyone having fun together.

Baby portraits in Mile end

When the little one woke up we soon headed outside to a nearby garden square, a beautiful area which is clearly a firm family favourite as a brilliant place to run around. We had a fantastic game of hide and seek as well as making sure to take some family portraits, something a bit more formal as it’s always lovely to have a good mix of different types of images – from portraits and action shots, to pictures with everyone in.

Outdoor family photos in Mile End

When we got home, after another quick nap, then the last pictures to be ticked off my list were images of the boys together. Photo shoots don’t have a strict plan, we are working with children after all and so everything is unpredictable. However, I do have some images that I know I want to take at some point over the course of a morning. How and when I take them and how they will look, that’s very much working with the people, the environment, and the energy on the day, but I know I want shots with the kids together. The pictures of the children together that we took on our Mile End baby and family photo shoot were definitely worth the wait as right at the end of the session we got some absolutely beautiful pictures that I know the family will treasure forever.

Book your family portrait session now!

It was a fantastic day, I had such a lovely time on this baby and family photography session in Mile End, and I’m so thrilled with the pictures. I hope you have enjoyed this sneak preview today and I can’t wait to share the full selection with the family in due course.

If you would like to book a family photo shoot for your own family, in Mile End or elsewhere in London then do get in touch. Summer weekends are getting very booked up with family portrait sessions but there’s still the odd date available and there’s more midweek options too.

Drop me a line via the contact form or give me a call on 07713329090. I’d love to hear from you and create some special memories for you and your family with a family photo shoot this summer.