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Children’s and baby photography taken on-location in Shad Thames, Central London

I’ve always loved photographing in central London, and the area around Tower Bridge and Shad Thames is a particular favourite for children’s, baby and family photography. It has such a lovely feel, and if you are out-and-about early on a weekend (as I always am), you feel as if you almost have the area to yourself.

The architecture near Shad Thames is just wonderful – the play of light and shadows along the cobbled streets make a fabulous backdrop for family portraits.

I have so many favourites from this session, but I thought I would flag a few up – I’m going to try to do that a bit more on the blog so those of you who are reading can see which pictures really capture my imagination and why. This will hopefully be interesting for those of you who regularly read the blog, and for those of you who are thinking of booking a portrait session with me, you can get more of an insight into what makes me tick and if I am the right photographer for you.

This shot is a definite favorite and I think will resonate both with all children’s photographers, and also with all parents of two year olds – never still for a second, always up and away to the next thing! This shot makes me roar with laughter and I have stuck a copy on my wall next to my computer to make me smile:

My other favorite is this – a bit of a photographer’s photograph perhaps, but I know many of my clients book me for my slightly quirky viewpoint and the fact that I am always offering new angles and new approaches to children’s portrait photography. I hope you like it:

Enjoy this blog post and please do comment below if you would like, it’s always interesting to know what people think and why. So here we go, a set of children’s, baby and family portrait photographs from Shad Thames and London Bridge in London.

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