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Esher family photo shoot

Regular family photography sessions

This was my fourth photoshoot with this wonderful family and I was thrilled to join them in Esher in Surrey to take their family photos.  From our first meeting when the eldest child was just a year old to now our friendship has spanned ten years. It’s been such a pleasure and a privilege to see these girls grow up and to document their childhood in beautiful family photographs.

For once, in what has been a rather wet year so far, the day dawned bright and warm, it ended up at about 20 degrees and felt like the first proper day of spring.  I arrived nice and early at 8.30 ready for a cup of coffee and a wonderful active morning.

Catching up over a hot drink it was lovely to hear what everyone had been up to and what the kids were interested in nowadays – science, animals and ‘pretending to be a cat’ being the main things. I LOVE the imagination of children, it’s such a joy to see and makes for hilarious photo shoots.

Woodland photo shoot in Surrey

We headed out to the nearby woods to start our session, looking to enjoy the beautiful morning to its fullest. I love woodland, it’s my favourite place to take pictures as the light is beautiful and it’s at it’s best in the springtime, beautiful and vibrant with all the new growth.

We started with a few family shots as it’s always good to get a few at the beginning of the session as you never know how the day will go we then headed into the woods to explore.  Following the lead of the family dog (and our eight-year-old cat child) we delved into the undergrowth finding paths and a beautiful stream to paddle in.

Before long we were joined by the girl’s little cousin, an absolutely delightful toddler and definitely a favourite with her older cousins.

Garden games on our family photo shoot

After a bit of time playing in the woods we headed home for a croissant and a cup of tea and then more pictures in the garden. The girls were keen to show me their swing, a lockdown purchase that clearly had been a massive hit and also other garden games such as Swingball and javelin throwing.

A competitive game of garden chess between father and daughter made for a wonderful sequence of images, I love the expressions you get when people are engaged in a game and enjoying themselves together.

It was a brilliant day from start to finish and I left tired and happy and ready for a sleep on the train home, leaving the family to enjoy their local street party to celebrate the Kings coronation.  What a perfect day all round.

Book your summer shoot before the diary gets full

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures here today and hearing more about this family photo shoot in Esher. I love to share a few images from my sessions to give my clients a sneak preview before their viewing session, and to give prospective clients a behind the scenes insight into how the days can go and the type and variety of images they can expect. As you will see if you scroll back through the blog each session is different and each a wonderful experience for my clients. If you like what you see here and think I might be the right photographer for you and your family then please do get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.