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Family and children’s photographer in Suffolk

It was a train trip to Suffolk for today’s children’s and family photo shoot. I’m a big fan of Suffolk – having cousins in Woodbridge and my eldest brother and his family living in Polstead, I have got to know the area well over the last few years through visiting them and also so many lovely families who have been kind enough to commission me to photograph their babies, children and family throughout the county of Suffolk. It’s such a beautiful part of the country.

Although I hadn’t met Melanie before, I had photographed her wonderful children when they had been guests at children’s birthday parties that I had previously photographed in Suffolk, so I had the fun experience of seeing some of my photographs from earlier shoots up and around the house even though we hadn’t met properly before! It’s always nice when that happens, as so many of my clients who have me to photograph their children’s birthday parties will then give copies of the photographs to the parents of their children’s guests – it’s a lovely thing to do.

Melanie has a beautiful home with a spectacular garden and I felt spoiled for choice for where to start our children and family portrait photography session. Exploring usually wins, and it did today. We walked around the garden and the children explained their favorite places (one of the best camouflaged dens I have ever seen) and a very well-used climbing frame and swing set, as well as hearing from their parents about different trees and the wonderous asparagus bed (I was the colour of asparagus I was so jealous, my garden is yet to have anything planted after our recent move).

I took pictures as the children ran about, climbed, swinged, checked the time on the ever-accurate dandilion clock and posed for the occasional family group shots, such as my favorite and the ‘Just One’ preview image from this shoot on the lovely garden gate.

Melanie then suggested a bit of a walk and we donned an extra layer or two and headed out to explore the local Suffolk countryside. It’s such a beautiful spot and there is so much to see, from local ponies coming to say hello to avenues of trees in the local woods and some wonderful paths for running down. In places the cow parsley was almost head hight – fabulous fun and a great backdrop for children’s portrait pictures.

As it began to rain, we headed back to the house. I was particularly keen as I had been hearing what wonderful bakers the children were, and we thought the best snacks are home made snacks. As the children rattled-off the proportions of flour and sugar for fairy cakes (I can rustle up a fine curry without a recipe book, but cakes are beyond me – I was very impressed indeed), I took pictures as everything came together.

Decoration followed with flying saucers (who knew they still made them) and all manner of brightly coloured sugar items. It was fabulous fun with fabulous cake, all resulting in some fantastic children’s and family portrait photographs. I do hope you enjoy them.

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