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Family Photography with Teenagers in Kensington

Hyde Park Family Photo Shoot

Time flies when you are having fun

We first met back in 2015 when I spent a wonderful and memorable morning photographing this lovely family in Hyde Park. It was one of those sessions that stuck with me due to the joyful nature of the day, the excellent company, and the beautiful pictures we took, a favourite of which I’ll post below – sometimes it’s lovely to see the changes.

I was thrilled when I was booked for a new session this summer to update the family photos. Our family photo session was just as delightful as first time around. It’s such a pleasure to see children grow up and I’m always amazed by how inspiring young people are to be around, if this is the future, we are in good hands.

The joy of a puppy

I was thrilled to meet the new puppy and Louis was such a joy to have on our photo shoot. Happy to be running around with a frisbee in his mouth it was so clear to see how much joy he brings to everyone. If you have a pet, then do include them in your family photo shoot – working with children and animals – it’s the best thing ever.


I’m always so pleased when people bring a favourite activity to a photo shoot. It gives some focus once children have grown beyond the age of hide and seek and What’s the time Mr Wolf. Football is always great fun and there were some serious skills in evidence on our family photo shoot.

I love how different types of images are available to us when kicking a ball, from beautiful shots in perfect pockets of light, to moments of high action. I love those family shots where everyone is straining to get the ball and we see the rough and tumble of competitive siblings as they enjoy the game together.

There was some serious speed in evidence too as a family of runners which gave a lovely opportunity for a panning shot.

Returning to a favourite image

Sometimes it can be lovely to return to an image from a previous photo shoot. Back in 2015 I wrote

I’d love to know what they are saying but that’s for them; the secrets and plans, the schemes and jokes, the stories and the shared history of siblings the world over. It’s a language entirely unique to each family and one that holds it together through the years. I hope that as adults Toby and Jemima will look at this image and smile and perhaps pick up the phone to call each other for a chat and a giggle, a joke and a laugh. If so, then I will have done my job well.

And here we still are. Nine years later and still such great friends. I think the sibling bond is one of the greatest joys in life and I love to take pictures to record it. Sibling relationships are the longest friendships we ever have, what a wonderful thing to record in photos.

Book your family photo shoot for summer 2024

If you like what you have seen on the blog today and would be interested in booking your own family photo shoot for this summer then do get in touch, either via the website contact form or give me a call or WhatsApp on 07713329090. I’d love to hear form you and together we can plan the perfect photo shoot for your family.