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Family Photography with Teenagers in Wimbledon SW19

Wimbledon Common and Canizaro House

This wonderful family photography session in Wimbledon with teenagers was an absolute joy. It was my second shoot with the family and one I was really looking forward to.

We had first met back in 2017 when I had been recommended by one of my all-time favourite clients. I love it when Iā€™m booked on the back of a recommendation, I know that people know what to expect and that we will have a wonderful time. It was one of those photo shoots that stuck with me, a beautiful May morning with fantastic light we had explored Wimbledon Common and Cannizaro Park when taking our pictures. There had been so much laughter and lots of fun games as we had taken pictures and the resulting images were delightful, many have been favourite pictures of mine ever since.

I was thrilled to be heading back for a second session, to see how the girls had grown and to catch up on news. Again, we were lucky enough to have a beautiful day, and starting early we managed to avoid the worst of the heat (we did our outdoor bits early and then headed back to the house at the end of the morning when the sun was high in the sky and the heat beating down). We went out to Wimbledon Common and Cannizaro Park again, two of my favourite places for family photography and places I havenā€™t visited very often this year.

Finding beautiful backdrops and looking for interesting light

Wimbledon Common is one of my favourite spots for family photography as itā€™s so beautiful. There are always wonderful places for pictures with fallen trees to sit on and shade from the mature trees. I do love woodland, given the choice itsā€™ always my favourite option for a photo shoot. We found some wonderful spots for portraits and group shots images that will look wonderful on the wall alongside those we framed last time.

The light was spectacular. Very bright with wonderful shadows created from the direct sunlight with provided me with unique opportunities to create very different images. One of my favourites is this shot which looks, on first glanc, like a polka dot pattern ā€“ an image about graphics and light. But then, you look closer, and we can see the subject of this portrait sitting in the shade of a large tree, the light catches in her eye illuminating her glorious smile. I love pictures like this ā€“ where looking twice brings many rewards.

Creative use of light is also key in this beautiful portrait of the girls together. This is an image that I can imagine printed panoramically so we can emphasis the rippling of the grasses mirrored in the similar rippling pattern of the trees above. Two waves at the top and bottom of the image and then the girlsā€™ profiles illuminated against the dark background in the centre. Two dramatic portraits, images that will stand out and last the test of time.

Relaxed photo shoots with teenagers and grandparents

When we got hungry mid-morning, we headed into Wimbledon for a very early lunch and then back to the houses to meet up with grandparents who were joining us for the second half of the photo shoot. I love it when grandparents are involved with family photography sessions, and this works really well doing the family shots first and then being joined by grandparents after we have had a chance to refuel with a cup of tea and a sandwich.

Once the grandparents arrived, we started with some group shots and then got down to the important business of having fun. The girls love to bake with their grandmothers, and it was hilarious to watch the interactions ā€“ how things are done now with a electric scales and a Kenwood, vs how the grandmothers liked to do things with a wooden spoon. The interaction was a joy to see and made me wish I had pictures like that with my grandparents, what a joy to be able to look back in years to come and see the love and the laughter in these pictures.

While the cookies were baking the family enjoyed a game of cards, again, a brilliant opportunity for pictures as laughter and friendly accusations of cheating abounded. It was such a lovely atmosphere and the pictures that resulted are full of joy.

A wonderful photo shoot and I left the house happy and full of excellent cookies, what photographer can ask for more?

Book your family photo shoot in Wimbledon now

If this sounds like the type of photo shoot you might like with your teenage children ā€“ a photo shoot that is relaxed and full of fun, then do get in touch. Iā€™d love to meet you and your family and create a set of images that you can all treasure for many years to come. You can also find out more about my family photography sessions with teenagers

The autumn is getting very busy now so if you would le to know more drop me a line via the contact form and we can have a chat about how it all works and get your shoot in the diary. I look forward to hearing from you.