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A Joyful Baby Photo Shoot in London

A Wonderful Morning with a Wonderful Family

These last few weeks have gone by in a whirlwind of photo shoots, glorious days spent in the company of wonderful people. If the pandemic has shown me one thing, it’s how much I adore my job.  There truly is nothing better than meeting with families, playing games with children, talking, laughing, and all the while looking for pictures, finding connections and creating compositions that tell a story, it’s pure joy.

Joy would sum up this family, from the wonderful infectious laughter of an energetic three-year-old, to the inquisitive looks, happy giggles and peaceful slumber of the six week-old baby, the whole morning was such great fun.  I played so many games: – we drove an imaginary train full of stuffed animals all around London, shopped for cake inside a hollow bush in the park, enjoyed the swings, drew chalk drawings and jump raced across rooms while riding giant stuffed toys (harder than you would think with two cameras around your neck). It was one of those days where action and activity and amazing opportunities for pictures followed one from the other thick and fast.

There will be so many wonderful pictures to share with the family at our viewing session but in the meantime, I wanted to put a sneak peek up on the blog today, something to enjoy while I finish processing the pictures and also to share grandparents who are, I know, excited to see the pictures and even more excited to see their new grandson when international flights open up and we can travel again.

It’s hard at the moment, being separated from our family and friends, but pictures can bring us closer, can make us smile even when we are far apart.  I hope this picture will make you smile, this joyful grin of the little one and his sister behind, so happy with her baby brother while their mum looks on, you can feel the love in this picture.  Sibling relationships are a joy to behold, and I know these two will have so much fun together growing up.  I hope I shall get to visit again in the future and document their childhood in images they can look back on as adults and see the happy times they have together.

If you would like more information about my Baby Photo Shoots do look on my London Baby Photography page or drop me an enquiry via the contact form.