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Newborn and family photography – Just One – Charlie and Joshua

Getting to know families, over the years, is the absolute best part of my job! Visiting families, again and again, allows me to watch them grow, see how children develop their personalities over time and, generally, build important and deeply satisfying relationships. There are not many jobs that afford you such privileges – it is yet another precious aspect of my role as a Family Photographer.

I was absolutely over the moon to hear that John and Stephanie were expecting another baby as I’d had such a brilliant time with them at our two previous sessions – baby Joshua’s newborn shoot and a lovely family shoot shoot when Joshua was one. I knew it was going to be wonderful to visit Sutton again and take some newborn pictures, let alone catch up with one of my favourite young subjects, big brother Joshua. Needless to say, I was very keen for Joshua to appear with his new brother in some of the pictures.

In the very early days of a newborn’s life, it can be a real challenge for older siblings to adjust to the new family dynamic and get to know their teeny tiny brothers and sisters, so I was absolutely thrilled with this image of the two boys together. I thought it would be a lovely one to share today as my Just One from the session.

John sat in a chair with baby Charlie on his lap and Joshua was encouraged to come and see his little brother. As Joshua snuggled into his daddy’s arms, I moved quickly to get a good position knowing that this moment would probably not last long. You really need lightning reactions when photographing little ones. At twenty months, Joshua is as fleet of foot and full of energy as the very best of them. As I pointed the camera down, Joshua looked up at me and I clicked the shutter. I absolutely love it!

The expression says it all. Looking right into the camera lens, it was as if he was saying ‘this is me, and this is my brother and look how good I’m being by not waking him up’. It’s a look of control, or one might say, of ownership – a unique feeling that only exists between siblings – ‘This is my brother and together we will take over the world!’.

There’s a small age gap between the boys – twenty months – only fractionally bigger more than the one between me and my next brother. As baby gets older, I know that they will end up having the best relationship. They will play together (and fight as all children do), but most of all they will love each other as only siblings can. I hope that, as they grow, they will look back on this image with love and affection. For me, it captures these first days and the establishment of a brotherly bond in its first tentative moments – a bond they will have for the rest of their lives.

Over time, the boys will discover all the amazing things about being brothers. I’m already looking forward to my next visit and to seeing the boys playing together and having fun as their relationship develops and deepens. In the meantime, though, it’s just lovely to celebrate these early days with teeny tiny Charlie and the family who all love him so very much.

I do hope you like this shot, today’s Just One from my recent newborn and family photography session in Sutton. Do please get in touch if you would like to arrange your own newborn baby or family session – we’d love to hear from you.

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