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Newborn photography in Hampstead with Miles

A newborn photoshoot in Hampstead with Miles and his sister

Today on the blog I’m thrilled to share a sneak preview from a recent newborn photography session in beautiful Hampstead.

There is something incredibly special about photographing newborns, a subject I particularly love, alongside their older brothers and sisters. I love watching family dynamics and I find the relationships between siblings fascinating.

Newborn shoots are incredible.  It’s such a privilege to be invited into my client’s homes so early in their little one’s lives, photographing their children when they are under a fortnight old. Sometimes I will be one of the first visitors, often before friends and grandparents as we want to record these very early days in a beautiful and timeless fashion.  I feel so humbled to be chosen to share these moments with my clients.

Photographing newborns with their older siblings

I’m also always delighted to hear there will be older siblings on the photo shoot.  The more children the more chaos is my general rule on family photography sessions, but I’ve always thrived on the unexpected.  Watching, observing and documenting the interactions is a pleasure.

I spent the most wonderful morning in Hampstead recently photographing newborn Miles and his big sister Zahara.  It was one of those shoots where the action moved from room to room as Zahara showed me her toys (and her rugged camera, she was definitely giving me a run for my money in the picture taking game), changed outfits and even reminded me of the wonder of listening out for the snap, crackle and pop of coco-pops over breakfast.  It’s always so much fun when there is a three-year-old about.

Baby Miles was a superstar, completely chilled out as second children often are.  Sleeping through his sister’s games and then waking up to delight us with some lovely wide-awake moments, eyes to camera, a natural model at under a week old.  I’m such a fan of newborn shots when the little ones are awake as we get a glimpse into their personality in these very early days.

Today’s Sneak Peek

It was hard to choose a just one for the blog today as there are so many shots that I love; beautiful, relaxed and un-posed newborn shots that really show the wonderful interaction between this loving family.  But, in the end, I kept coming back to this shot as a firm favourite from the session.

It was a natural moment and they are often the best.  Miles had finished feeding and was sleeping contentedly is his mother’s arms.  Zahara had come over to talk to her mum and there is a beautiful sequence of pictures as she looks at her brother and leans in to kiss him.

Shot at f2.8 we get beautiful bokeh and this feeling of incredible love and protection as Zahara places such a gentle kiss on her brother’s head while he sleeps contentedly, a tiny smile playing on his lips.

It’s the kind of shot I love, natural, relaxed but a beautiful moment that will stand the test of time.  I hope you like it as much as I do, today’s Just one from a recent newborn session with an older sibling at the family home in Hampstead.

If you would like to read more about my newborn sessions then do take a look at my dedicated newborn page