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Outdoor Newborn and Family Photography Greenwich – Just One

As regular readers will know I’m often drawn to movement in my images. Childhood is often encapsulated best in a burst of speed as children rush around, full of excitement and wonder, from one activity to the next. I love using that energy within my compositions. With this picture, from Jason’s recent family photo shoot in Blackheath and Greenwich, I used movement within a family photograph and I think it works really well.

Jason had contacted me to arrange a photo shoot for his two children, three year old Emily and his newborn daughter Charlotte. I love photographing newborns and I particularly love it when there are older siblings involved as I really enjoy the energy and unpredictability older children bring to a photo shoot, it’s what makes my job so much fun seeing what games we will play and bringing all the family together into images that are completely unique and really tell a story.

As with most newborn photo shoots we did the majority of the pictures indoors in Jason’s beautiful Blackheath home. For newborns it’s lovely to take pictures indoors where they can snuggle happily on their parents bed and where we can see just how tiny they are. I’ll share some of those soon. In the meantime I was drawn straight to this image when choosing a Just One. We had decided mid-morning to head out to Greenwich Park for some pictures, as this is a favourite place for the family. This tree in particular is a regular haunt, a place where Emily loves to play, climbing up and jumping off as well as running around. I was thrilled to take our family photographs here as when looking back on this image the family will have so many memories attached to this area in the park – memories that are sure to make them smile as the years go by.

Finding a nice spot for Jason and Lynn to sit with beautiful baby Charlotte I then watched what Emily was up to. Seeing that she was enjoying running around I decided to make this the key element of my photograph. I slowed my shutter speed right down to capture her blur of movement as she dashed past the camera, engaged in her own world and having a whale of a time.

I love how this picture tells us so much about these different ages of childhood, tiny Charlotte, held protectively in her parent’s arms, sleeping soundly all snug and warm. And then a three year old running through the scene – full of energy and excitement, exploring the world and on the go all the time. Next time I see the family the girls will be interacting and playing together, enjoying all the fun that siblings bring and possibly both running around (or maybe crawling for Charlotte), fast as fast can be, exploring the world together on one of what I’m sure will be many adventures that they will share.

I hope you like todays’ Just One, this creative approach to family portrait photography with a newborn and a three year old in Greenwich in South London. If you would like to book your own session then do get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.

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