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Timeless images to cherish. London children’s photography to remember the moments that matter.

Family time together with a father and his daughter.

Images to treasure

Stunning children’s photography that tells your family story

I take natural, relaxed pictures of your children that capture their unique personalities and give everyone a lasting reminder of their childhood.

I look for and photograph the big moments: a child’s leap into their parent’s arms to be thrown up in the air, the pleasure at a goal scored, a kiss given and received.

And I also seek out the little moments: the questioning glance from child to parent as they explain the latest imaginative game, the concentration as they teach their doll to read, the tired snuggles before naptime and the hand that strokes their hair.

Together, we can create a beautiful photographic record of childhood.

I photograph on location rather than in a studio. By meeting you at your home or a place you enjoy going to as a family, we can do all the things your children love to do – and all the things you love to do with your children.

Reading in a favourite chair, playing a well-loved family game, bouncing on the bed, baking gingerbread: we can record all the small moments that form part of sharing a home together.

Outdoors, we can visit a park, woodland or beach to get some completely different shots within inspiring environments. The energy created from being outside shines through on these images.

Picture your best day together

Whatever you love to do as a family can be used as a basis for your photoshoot. Shared passions ensure that everyone, children and adults, will have an amazing time.

We’ll start our portrait session after breakfast and play all morning. With few time constraints, the relaxed atmosphere will let your children’s true personalities radiate through into the pictures. Indoors, outdoors or a combination of the two, we’ll get a wide selection of timeless shots for you to choose from.

Plenty of different moods will appear in front of the lens: from boisterous games and giggling over-excitement to snuggling up calmly and cosily with mum and dad on the sofa with a book.

My aim is to capture all these moments that make up your days. Moments you’ll remember with fondness in years to come.

Book your photoshoot
Children play in a bubble bath.

Stella and Thomas’s story

When I first met Stella back in 2012 for a photo shoot to celebrate her turning 3 months old, I couldn’t have believed what adventures awaited us. Twelve years and 23 photo shoots later Stella, and her brother Thomas, are two of my favourite people in the world. Every year we get together to spend a day having fun and taking pictures and it’s always such a joy.

Regular photo shoots show their value as time goes on and, as you’ll see when looking through this selection of images, watching a child’s journey is a joy.

From favourite games and quirky expressions to family pictures that show the love everyone has for each other, this beautiful record is more than the sum of its parts.

Each session we’ve produced a beautiful album ,with copies for the children too, that they’ll be able to take into their own adult lives and one day show their children and grandchildren. What a legacy and what a privilege for me to create it for them.

Helen really gets children. She is 100% genuine and I think kids can really pick up on that. She goes the extra mile, getting dirty in the mud to get the shot and doesn’t complain when there’s yet another interruption. If you want a fabulous child photographer, look no further.

– Katherine

Ready to get in touch?

I’d love to chat about planning your family photography shoot and telling your story. Give me a call or send me a message, I’d be delighted to hear from you. I can’t wait to get to know your family and create beautiful photographs for you and your family to enjoy.
