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Just One – Thomas – baby photography in Fulham

I’m so incredibly lucky to be watching Thomas and his older sister Stella grow up. Since my first shoot with the family when Stella was only three months old, I have visited on a regular basis, seeing how the children change and grow up whilst exploring lovely London locations to capture family photographs. We’ve been to so many cool places and done so many cool things, from playing in the flower gardens in Regent’s Park to driving the old-fashioned car carousel at the Parsons Green steam fair; we’ve had tea parties on the kitchen floor and blown out the candles on birthday cakes. It’s been such a privilege and a pleasure to be part of it all.

For our most recent shoot, we visited Fulham Palace which is a lovely spot and one I haven’t visited for a while. It’s a great location for family pictures and a picnic, and we had an amazing day as always.

This picture, the image that I have chosen for today’s ‘Just One’ preview, is a bit different – we have lots of lovely shots of the children smiling, laughing and playing, but this caught my eye as I love its incredibly peaceful feel and how it really captures the lovely Spring day we had. Thomas was tired and so Jennifer was rocking him to sleep while Stella, Carlos and I looked at ants and bees, and I imparted my botanical knowledge (‘those are stinging nettles, look out!’ – I felt quite the naturalist).

Catching site of Jennifer through the trees, I immediately saw the potential for a picture and I worked this image for a number of minutes, trying different angles to really isolate Jennifer and Thomas in this patch of light, getting just the right amount of foreground foliage to frame the image but not to distract. I was thrilled when she moved into this exact composition and then at the moment I pressed the shutter, Jennifer was smiling down at Thomas with such a look of love and happiness on her face. I just love it.

It’s a real favourite from our day, and I hope you like it too. I look forward to sharing some more images from our wonderful morning together in Fulham Palace very soon.

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