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Just One – family portrait photography

It’s always hard to choose a ‘Just One’ preview image from a really big family photo shoot – there are just too many great pictures to choose from. This shoot, my third with Jayne and her extended family, had me taking pictures of seven adults and seven children, all under eleven! There’s nothing like a challenge though, and getting everyone together in one shot was great fun.

It was tricky to decide which image to choose for my preview today – do I put up a really big group shot with everyone in? An individual portrait? Or one of the action shots of the kids? Perhaps Ottis flying down the path on a scooter, feet of the pedals about to crash headlong into the flowers? Or Willow spinning around with a bunch of dandelion clocks, hair flying, dandilions flying, a look of sheer joy on her face? Or even the adults attempting a human pyramid? There are so many options (and I bet you can’t wait to see the full blog post now!).

In the end, I decided on a really lovely picture of the children together. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t hard getting group shots of this many children together – it is. But it’s also fun and we had a great time taking this image. Darren, Jayne’s husband, must also get credit for whatever it was he was doing that was making the children laugh like that – they were in absolute stitches, and I love the natural expressions on their faces.

It’s so relaxed, happy and full of joy – everything you could possibly want for a picture of all the cousins together. I do hope you enjoy it and I look forward to sharing some more photos on the blog soon.

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