Blackheath Newborn and Family Photographer SE3
The pictures I’m sharing on the blog today are family pictures with a beautiful newborn baby boy and his older siblings in Blackheath in South East London. I first met Cassi back in 2004, I photographed her family in Blackheath when she was a teenager. Then, in 2014 I was contacted from America and my new client bought a voucher for his brother, his brother’s wife and their family. When I arrived, I was greeted by Cassi, laughing and asking if I remembered meeting her in 2004. I did, it was one of my first shoots as a professional photographer and I remember it vividly, the family trip to Greenwich Park and the fact that, her youngest brother (the youngest of five children) had not had any breakfast. Since then it’s one of the first questions I ask – a well-fed child being essential to a successful photo shoot. It’s funny how these things stick with you; I don’t think I will ever forget my first few shoots and all the lessons I learnt.
Since then I have also photographed Cassi’s twin sister, also in South East London, twin newborn baby boys in a family photo shoot
But I digress, this blog post is about our most recent photo shoot at Cassi’s stunning Blackheath home where I was thrilled to see Michal and Myla again and to meet baby Max. We spent a wonderful happy morning together and I’m so pleased with the pictures.
I love photographing newborn babies and it’s always so much fun when there are older children involved. I love to see the interactions between the siblings as they get to know their new playmate. Both Michal and Myla were so tender with their little brother, gentle kisses and loving snuggles. With each other, they were jumping around and playing boisterous games, it’s so interesting how the dynamics develop and how, even very young children, are so gentle with tiny babies.
Cassi’s Blackheath home is such a great location for family photographs. Each room is flooded with natural light and so we had lots of options for where to set up. Starting in the playroom the older children loved jumping on the sofa for one of my favourite family photographs with a newborn baby, I do love a picture that is full of energy.
We also took pictures in Cassi’s bedroom where the double bed made the perfect backdrop for some newborn portraits of baby Max. He was so alert, enjoying watching his older siblings and looking into the camera with such an engaged look. It was so much fun and I’m so thrilled with the pictures. I do hope you will enjoy looking at them today.
twin newborn baby boys in a family photo shoot