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Newborn photography in Tooting

Welcome to my blog. Today I’m thrilled to be sharing a few favourites from a wonderful newborn photography session in Tooting in South London. I love a newborn photography session, particularly when there is an older sibling joining us and that adds a sense of delightful chaos to the proceedings.

There’s a special type of atmosphere when a family has a new arrival that is unlike anything else. I love the sense of excitement and joy and the wonderful contentment of a family unit, safe and snug at home together. It’s a huge privilege to be invited into people’s homes to record this special time and a responsibility to take pictures that will bring back memories and be a joy to look back on for many years to come. Im so honoured to have been invited to photograph this family and I hope you will all enjoy this sneak preview I share today.

Newborn photography at home in Tooting

When Emily first contacted me, she said she was looking for natural and relaxed pictures taken in their home, that’s exactly the style of photography I offer. I don’t use props in my newborn photography work and avoid complicated poses, instead concentrating on natural shots that reflect life as it’s lived and how the little ones look and interact in these precious early days.

There’s always the question of awake or asleep for newborn photography and I love, where possible, to take some pictures at both points in a session. Sleeping newborns are so incredibly cute with a snoozy snuggliness that is just delightful. They always look so beautiful in their peaceful slumber.

Personally, I love awake shots best though, as we can see, even when little ones are just days old, sparks of their personality shining through. These shots are so wonderful to look back on in years to come and see characteristic expressions there from the very beginning.

Older siblings on newborn photo shoots

It’s always a pleasure to have older siblings on newborn photography sessions and I feel it’s so important to make sure that older brothers and sisters have their moments in the sun. It’s such a big time for little people and there are often big emotions flying around. Making sure older siblings enjoy the session is so important and the pictures of them are often some of my favourites.

When I arrived the little one was fast asleep, so I had a lovely opportunity to get to know her big brother. A giant selection of Mr Men books was a huge hit and I enjoyed reading about Mr Tall’s adventures as we played together. Indoor tennis was also clearly a favourite activity and I love the idea that if, sometime in the future, he becomes a world champion, he will have these fun pictures to look back on.

Big smiles

Some newborn babies have the most glorious smiles, and this has to be one of my favourite smiling pictures ever, what a wonderful expression, what a joyful little girl she is, I bet that smile is going to be a source of such happiness to her whole family as she grows up.

Variety on a newborn and family photo shoot

I love the mix of opportunities when I’m out taking family photographs and that’s the same on newborn shoots as on sessions with older children. I like the challenge of finding fun family photos as well as portraits and action shots, together a story is told over the course of a morning. It’s been so hard choosing portraits of these beautiful children to share here as part of my sneak preview, there are so many lovely pictures that I know the family will treasure, newborn and family photographs taken in their beautiful home in Tooting.

Finding a two-year-old sized alcove had to be a high point for me and I love how a little element of excitement can add to the joy of a family photograph making it completely different to a standard image. I also love architectural elements like the one that begins the blog post as they will act to show scale as the years go by. Perhaps when I return for another photo shoot sometime in the future, we’ll take a picture here again and we can see how much he’s grown, what will fit a two-year-old might squeeze in a four year old and act as a chair by the time he’s sixteen. little elements add to the story and are always so much fun.

Outdoor newborn photography on Tooting Common

We even manage to fit in a brief trip to Tooting Common for a few outdoor pictures as it was a beautiful day for our newborn photography shoot. We explored and had a run around in the sunshine. I love to go outside where possible on these shoots as even twenty minutes will add an extra element to the photo shoot.

A wonderful day with wonderful people

All in all, it was a brilliant day and I had such a lovely time with this lovely family. I’m excited to finish processing the images from our newborn photography session in Tooting and share the full selection with the family. It will be such a joy to design an album and make some selections for display in the house, images that will be looked at every day and which will bring a smile whenever they are seen. This is the joy of family photography, memories, family history, relationships, and love, all packaged up in beautiful pictures to be treasured.

If you have liked what you have seen here today and would like to book your own newborn photography session in Tooting in South London or elsewhere in the capital – I travel all over – then do get in touch via the contact form and we can get your session in the diary.