Family Photography in the New Forest

London family photographer goes on tour
As a London based photographer most of my work is in the capital. But, as clients move or when exciting opportunities beckon, I love to get on a train and photograph families in new places.
So I was thrilled when one of my favourite families moved to the New Forest and our regular family photo shoots moved with them.
This year it worked out brilliantly as we managed to book the session in for a week when I was heading off on holiday to Lyme Regis in Dorset. Booking a hotel for Friday night my husband dropped me off and then I did our photo shoot before jumping on a train to the coast. It was the perfect way to break a journey and a wonderful start to my holiday. I’m often asked what my perfect day would be and it’s a fun family photo shoot in the morning and then beers with friends in the evening. That’s the day I had and I ‘m so pleased to share some photos from our morning on the blog today.
Family photo shoots outside London
While I’m London based and so most of my sessions are in London and the home counties, I do travel outside London a fair bit for work – the furthest I’ve been is the UAE – and I really enjoy the variety that a new location brings. This was a real treat with the most beautiful house and incredible woodland, the perfect location for a family photo shoot.
Arriving nice and early after a good night’s sleep at a local hotel I was greeted with cheerful little ones, keen to show me their new home. I had a tour of the house to get a feel for the opportunities and then we headed out into the woods to see what adventures the day would bring.
The River
We started with some pictures but the beautiful river that ran through their land. The little pebble beach was beautiful and, after borrowing some wellies so I could stand in the stream, we found some lovely opportunities from both banks as well as climbing up the hill to roam above the water.
I love photographing kids in nature, they always have such a good time and there’s so much to do, sticks could be antlers or swords or walking sticks. There’s always a game to be played and the world of the imagination is a great place for photos.
The kids were such great fun, finding adventure in every corner from caterpillars and beetles to imaginary castles and dragons, it was a world of adventure for everyone.
Grandparents joined us for a family photo and we then headed further into the woods, exploring and finding the most wonderful giant puddle to play in. It was a perfect spot for throwing sticks and splashing which the children really enjoyed.
Playing indoors
Heading home for an early lunch we had a bit of time indoors to recover from an active morning. Sometimes it’s best to eat early and do a bit more after lunch rather than press on through the morning when everyone is tired. I love my job and always want to create the most amazing pictures for my clients, sometimes taking a bit of extra time can lead to wonderful results.
After spending some time in the playroom, and a game of hide and seek, we headed back outside for a bit more play in the sun. The forecast for the week after this photo shoot was terrible so we were keen to maximise our time outdoors.
We finished our day by roasting some marshmallows on an open fire which, to me, feels like the epitome of childhood. The kind of activity that is up there with camping and whittling sticks for pure childhood joy. Seeing the kids’ faces when their dad knocked off the charred outer layer to reveal the molten marshmallow goo inside, just perfect!
Book a family photo shoot
If you would like to book a photo shoot for your family, then do get in touch. The New Year is ahead of us and I’d love to join you to create memories from your family adventures.