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Baby Photographs at Regents Park

A year of North London baby photography

This was my fourth session with this wonderful family and together we have created a fantastic document of this little one’s first year, images that the family can treasure and look back on as he grows up.

We started with a newborn session last October, a wonderful morning spent taking beautiful baby photographs in their North London home.

Then I visited again when this little man was around three months old to celebrate his first Christmas with festive pictures that included the stunning decorations that adorned the house.

At eight months we did an outdoor session visiting stunning Hampstead Heath and Kenwood House in the summer and revelling in the sunshine and the incredibly landscape we are lucky enough to have here in North London, a perfect spot for baby photographs.

And then this session, I returned to the house, starting with indoor pictures, and then heading outside to beautiful Regents Park for our one-year-old baby photography session.

What a wonderful year it’s been and what a privilege to watch this little one grow so much. He’s such a lovely little boy and I can’t wait to see what the next few years bring.

Baby photography at home

We started our baby photography session at home. It was drizzly outside and we wanted to include some of his favourite toys and things he enjoys doing. I love how spaces change over the course of a baby’s first year – formal rooms become playrooms, toys sit alongside sculpture and beautiful interior design becomes accessorised with cars, and books, and building blocks.

He clearly loves his playpen where he can crawl around independently not worrying about bumping into glass coffee tables or other perils. Here he can play with is ride-on-mouse or read his books and he’s clearly so happy in there, chatting to me as I take pictures and showing me all his toys.

A wicker rocking car is also a big hit and his look of glee as he drives is just wonderful. I love all the different expressions we see over the course of a photo shoot from concentration to joyful laughter as little ones explore the world around them.

It was lovely to see how much he loves music, and a collection of instruments was a huge hit, especially the tubular bells which were perfect for clanging and clunking, and for taking pictures too.

Working around naptimes when photographing babies

Then it was upstairs for a nap and a few pictures in a different room. I love taking pictures of babies on their parent’s bed as they are always so happy and confident in this space, it’s safe to roll around and there tends to be wonderful light in the master bedroom as there is here. I made sure to take a picture by the window as we’ve done that on our previous sessions and it’s lovely to see how much he has grown.

I took lots of beautiful portraits and, one of my favourites from the day, of this adorable baby reading his ‘Astro-Physics for Babies’ book. The look on his face is priceless and it’s the kind of shot that, should he become a Nobel Prize winning scientist in the future, will be framed on the wall of his office.

Baby Photography in Regents Park

For the second half of our session, post-nap, we headed out and about to Regents Park. The weather had improved, and the light was beautiful. I love to do half the session indoors and half outside when working with children, it adds such variety to the photo shoot.

We started by exploring the landscaped gardens, looking at the fountains and utilising the framing opportunities of the beautiful planting. He was fascinated by the plants and it’s lovely to see little ones discovering the world.

Then we headed to the playground as everyone loves a swing, me included. A few shots there and then onwards to find a fantastic fallen tree which had been trimmed down to make a climbing opportunity. I love how parks are using nature in these new and imaginative ways now rather than just pulping fallen trees, they have a whole new life being enjoyed by children as climbing frames.

The Frieze Sculpture Exhibition

As the Frieze sculpture exhibition was on we utilised some of these wonderful artworks in a few pictures. The Curvae in Curvae by Beverly Pepper was my favourite, the curve of corten steel made a wonderful framing device for a creative family photo.

I also included a portion of Speaker’s Corner by Pablo Reinoso in this lovely silhouette shot, just enough to give context to the picture and add in a little extra something, a detail that will give time and place to this picture as, by next year, that sculpture will be gone from Regents Park and this baby picture couldn’t be recreated. I love things like this, the fleeting nature of family photos and how photography records things forever from tiny moment in time.

Finishing with some more family photos we headed home tired and happy after a brilliant day. It was a fantastic session and a wonderful fourth set of baby photographs from our document of his first year. What a treasure we have for him, and I know that when he is older he will love looking through his albums with his parents and hearing more about his first year and all the adventures they had together.

Baby’s first year photography

If you like the sound of this and would like to arrange photo shoots to record your baby’s first year then do get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.

You can find out more about my baby photography or visit the blog to see more examples from different sessions. Read about me or reviews from happy clients. Any questions just drop me a line and I look forward to meeting your family and photographing your baby.