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Ladbroke Square Newborn Photography

Newborn Portraits in Notting Hill and Ladbroke Square

I love the summer, it’s always such a busy season for family photography and I love getting in the rhythm of the sessions, photographing newborn babies, older babies, children, teenagers, and grown-up families as the days fly by. This last couple of weeks has been particularly busy and so the time has passed in a blur of early mornings, busy photo shoots, and then early nights before leaping out of bed to do it all again. I love it, busy is my favourite way to be, and so when the kids are off school, and the sun is shining, I’m in my element.

The summer also sees the arrival of new babies and it was a newborn photo shoot in Notting Hill that had my alarm set for 5.15am last week. A bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee later I was sat on the bus negotiating my way across London on a train strike day. TFL was running like clockwork and two buses and two tubes later I was arriving in Notting Hill to meet this wonderful family and their beautiful baby boy for our newborn photography session.

At home newborn photography in Ladbroke Square

We had a wonderful morning together. Taking pictures in-between feeds, it was delightful to get to know everyone, meeting new people is such a perk of the job. I loved the eclectic selection of books lining the walls, from ‘I am Pilgrim’ to the ‘Odyssey’, I always know I’m in good company when I have the same selection as my clients on my shelves at home.

The apartment was filled with beautiful light for portraits, and we moved between different rooms to get different pictures. I find it’s nice to mix things up a bit as different images have such different moods which is lovely when photographing newborn babies. I also like to include the day-to-day activities that are so much part of this time for families, feeding photos, and photos of parents just hanging out with their little ones snuggled together breathing them in. I love how parents can look at their babies forever, the love and pride in their faces is such a joy to see.

Ladbroke Square newborn photography

As well as photographing at home we also headed out for some pictures in nearby Ladbroke square, one of my favourite spots in West London for family photos and such a beautiful location for some of our newborn baby portraits. Outdoor newborn photographs are always stunning and feel so different to the images we can take indoors. There is something about the natural environment, trees and flowers, alongside newborn babies that works so well.

As I discovered Ladbroke Square had been a central part of this family’s lives – the bench we sat is where they got engaged. What a joy to see how the family story adds a new chapter in this beautiful setting and I love the idea that when they look back over the pictures with this little boy when he is older, they will tell the story of how they got engaged and his first home over the road and that, to me, is what family photography is all about.

Book your photo shoot now!

I can’t wait to share the full set of newborn photographs with this lovely family but for today it’s just this sneak preview from our newborn session in Ladbroke Square. I hope you enjoy them.

If you are keen to book a photo shoot for your own family then do get in touch, the rest of the year is getting very busy so book in soon to avoid disappointment.