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Stories Behind the Images No.2 – Jumping on the Bed

I love movement in pictures and so I am always happy with a short session of jumping on the bed as an activity as part of a portrait session – albeit always supervised by parents and not for too long (there’s a fine line between forbidden joy and giddy exuberance, and bumped heads, bruised knees and the liberal application of chocolate biscuits!).

When I arranged Loren’s photo shoot, I discovered that the family were visiting the UK for a couple of weeks from their home in Switzerland and had booked a hotel suite to stay in. I have to say it was a fine location for a shoot, and the boys and I rearranged the beds and mattresses for a game of Billy Goats Gruff. I’m sure you remember the story – lots of ‘whose that going over MY bridge?’ ensued by excited squealing and jumping up and down.

This picture was one of my favourites – Kian jumping high in the air to escape his older brother, ‘the troll’. I love the fact that Kian has jumped out of the frame and the ‘monsters’ t-sirt which seemed to sum-up the day. I love it!

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