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Family Photography in Winchmore Hill

Family photo shoot at home in Winchmore Hill

This was my 4th shoot with Kate and her wonderful family and I think it’s been our best yet, an amazing at home photo shoot in Winchmore Hill in North london.

The best thing about my job as a family photographer is getting to know people over the years, watching the children grow and becoming a family friend as much as a photographer as we have adventures together. Watching these incredibly children grow from our first photo shoots when they were newborns, under a fortnight old for them both, has been such a joy these last few years.

Inspired by my clients

Social media can bring everyone closer too and it can be a pleasure to be friends with my clients on Instagram – I love to see what everyone is up to between our photo shoots and it’s lovely to swap ideas and recipes and book recommendations alongside being the family photographer. Kate was a particular inspiration during lockdown when she ran an incredible Instagram account @funlittlelearning with ideas for home schooling which helped so many.

A photo shoot at home

For this photo shoot we decided to send the whole day at home (apart from a brief trip across the road for a short ballet lesson – what a brilliant idea to add that into the shoot). Often on my family photo shoots we’ll go out and about for at least a part of the session and so it was a fun challenge to only work in the house and garden for this family photo shoot. At home sessions are great fun but do require a bit of forethought into ideas and activities so that the children don’t get bored and tempted by the TV.

Kate had given so much thought to some brilliant ideas for our family photo shoot in her Winchmore Hill home and they resulted in wonderful photographs. It was lovely to utilise the new kitchen for some baking as well as the garden for bubbles and a game of football which is a favourite game of the moment.

Remembering my days as a wedding photographer

I think my favourite activity was finding Kate’s old wedding dress in the attic for the children to see. I was reminded of my wedding photographer days taking some wonderful images as Kate’s daughter tried it on for size. I find that often it’s the most random actives that result in the best pictures – I never would have thought of this as an idea for pictures but it worked so well and was apparently something she had been keen to do for ages, I imagine the memories will stay with her now especially with these beautiful pictures to keep and look at over the years.

Anything goes on a family photo shoot

If you are thinking of ideas for your family photo shoot then I’d say that anything goes, if the kids are having fun then the resulting pictures will be wonderful. Think about everyone’s favourite activities along with some special things that will be a real treat. As a result we’ll end up with a fantastic day and a really delightful and varied set of pictures. Images that will record your life as you live it and be filled with happy memories for you and your family.

I hope you have enjoyed this set of images from my work as a family photographer in Winchmore Hill. I do have a small number of slots for summer bookings remaining so if you would like to arrange a family photo shoot then do get in touch, I’d love to meet you and your family.