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The value of regular photo shoots

Firstly, an apology for the blog being so quiet this week, I have been absolutely snowed under. Christmas shoots are already underway and if you are thinking of having pictures in time for Christmas then do get in touch as soon as you can as things are getting very booked up. At the moment we do still have some spaces during half term but they are filling up fast.

So, today’s blog post, I have just been processing Linda’s pictures from her recent shoot and it inspired me to have a look back through her file and it was so much fun to see how the boys have grown over the last few years – and been joined by a baby sister (As the youngest of four with three older brothers I think this is the ultimate family set up). So todays post is a retrospective seeing how the family has grown.

Do check in again tomorrow to see this years shoot. I hope you enjoy the pictures




Tomorrow, 2010…

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