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Baby Photography in North West London

I love this family shot from a recent baby portrait session

Today I’m thrilled to share a baby portrait from a recent baby and family photography session in North West London. We spent an amazing morning together and to say it’s been hard to choose a favourite is an understatement, there are so many pictures that I love from this baby photography session.

I think all photographers have favourite ages of children to photograph and, for babies under a year old, then nine months is definitely a favourite for me. I love this stage when little ones are so full of personality, sitting up and interacting with their parents and with the camera. These sessions are always particularly joyful as it’s impossible not to smile at a happy, inquisitive baby as they explore the world around them.

I love to follow the little one’s normal routine on photo shoots, keeping to regular nap times and also doing things that the family normally do. This way the pictures are about each individual family and the things they will remember and look back on as time passes. I was thrilled when Shreya got in touch to let me know what she had in mind for the session and all the different things she wanted to capture in pictures from mealtimes to bath times to pictures with her baby’s grandparents. I knew we were going to have a wonderful and action-packed morning.

It surpassed my expectations; we had a brilliant time on our baby photography session in North London. Starting early, we had the opportunity to do so much without the photo shoot feeling rushed and the pictures have come out so well, I can’t wait to share them all with the family.

Choosing a favourite for my sneak preview was hard but this family photograph stood out for me as I love everything about it. The family’s glorious expressions as Siyenna chats to her friend ‘the baby in the mirror’. There’s something so captivating about pictures of babies and mirrors, they always seem to incredibly thrilled to see themselves and I love the fact we have no idea if they know that it’s them or not, there’s that bit of mystery which I always find engaging.

The expressions here make it a picture to treasure. The love on Siyenna’s parent’s faces fills me with joy, the picture explodes with happiness and will, I’m sure, be treasured by the family and by Siyenna when she grows up. Who wouldn’t want a picture like that with their parents? It’s a wonderful gift to be given.

I hope you like it as much as I do, today’s sneak preview from our baby photography session in North London.

If you would like to find out more about my baby photography then please explore the website where you can find information about how things work, my prices, and recent press coverage. Please get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.