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Boys Jumping on the Bed

Fun Family Photography in Your Own Home

The weather at the moment is incredible, I can’t remember a February half-term that has been so lovely and I’ve had a great week so far, out and about, photographing children in the parks and the woods of London.  However, even on the warmest days at this time of year, I’m still doing part of my sessions indoors.  It’s wet underfoot when we are outside, and so it’s lovely for the little ones to roll around and play without their winter coats.

I love photographing indoors.  I love how I get to watch the children in their own environment and get such a feel for how they play on a daily basis.  Which games they enjoy, how they like to sit or lie on the sofa, how they like to jump on the bed.  Every family plays so differently, and each family has so many wonderful memories of how they live their lives. These indoor shots always seem to really focus in on those feelings and capture those memories in such a beautiful way.

This picture from a recent family photography session in Wimbledon in South London is a favourite for me.  It contains so any of my favourite things. There’s movement with the older brother leaping about on the bed.  There’s joy as both children laugh.  There’s a sense of the family home, playing on their parent’s bed with the wedding photograph up on the wall in the background.  I particularly love that detail as it’s a shot taken by my husband Tom Catchesides, who used to be a wedding photographer before he set up Light Blue, his Business Management for Photographers business, I always love seeing his work on the wall.

Pictures like this really capture the essence of childhood and show so much personality.  You look at it and are immediately struck by just how much fun these children are – so full of life, of laughter and of joy.  We had a brilliant morning together playing in the woods, baking a birthday cake, climbing through tunnels and jumping on the bed.

It was such a wonderful day and there are so many lovely pictures.  I hope you like this one as much as I do, today’s just one from my recent photo shoot in Wimbledon.