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Canon Ambassador at Photokina

My recent trip to Germany to give talks on Family Photography to an international audience

Last week I travelled to Cologne in Germany in my role as Canon Ambassador at Photokina – the World’s largest imaging show.

I had been asked to attend in my role as a Canon Ambassador. I was commissioned to give a number of talks on different aspects of my work and also to showcase pictures I had taken on the EOS R, Canon’s new full-frame mirrorless camera.

These are exciting times for Canon. The EOS R is the biggest innovation since the launch of the EOS system in the 1980s. This new lens mount is going to allow incredible innovative technology, new systems and equipment that will allow us as photographers to take pictures that were impossible before. Even the lenses announced at launch are ground breaking – the first f2 zoom lens for example; 28-70 with a fixed aperture, something that we never believed would be possible, yet Canon have done it and done it with style.

I have been lucky enough to have been involved since before the launch of the new camera – testing it over the summer in secret shoots surrounded by non-disclosure agreements. It’s been so exciting to be involved

Then when the camera launched I attended the EMEA region launch where, alongside my fellow ambassadors, we demonstrated the camera to journalists and answered questions about our experiences and impressions of the new kit – if you are interested, do read more of my thoughts on the EOS R

Last week was an opportunity to show the camera to the public. Professional and amateur photographers alike flocked to Photokina to see the newest technology from the main camera manufacturers. They looked at new gear, met friends and attended lectures by industry experts.

My talks were on the huge Canon Spotlight Stage and also for VIP members of Canon Professional Services in the CPS lounge (sponsored by F-Stop, makers of the most incredible camera bags out there).

I had a great time sharing my thoughts on family photography, teaching my fellow professionals and talking about the features of the new camera system

I was also thrilled to have my own display tower on the Canon stand. Canon had dedicated a number of these towers to their ambassadors. A rolling slideshow of our work on huge screens and then a display cabinet filled with some of our favourite things. We showed our cameras and lenses and the essential pieces of equipment that allow us to take the pictures we are known for, as you can image in, chocolate biscuits featured heavily in mine.

It was a brilliant few days and I want to thank my friend and fellow ambassador Nicolai Brix for taking a few pictures of me in action.

I can’t wait for my next event which will be CameraWorld Live in London on 27th October, I hope to see some of you there.