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Family Photo Shoot in Beaconsfield

Fun Family Photography in Beaconsfield

Today on the blog I’m sharing a sneak preview from an amazing family photo shoot in Beaconsfield, we had a fantastic day.

One of the things I have really enjoyed about my job over the last nineteen years is how I get to know families, often photographing one person and then branching out to include siblings, cousins, and grandparents.  Years ago, I had photographed Alex’s sister’s children before they moved abroad, then a big family get together with grandparents and all the cousins and now another family photo shoot.  I feel so privileged to be invited into my clients’ homes like this and to get to know their wider family as I document their lives together.

This shoot was a long time coming with postponements due to the pingdemic earlier in the year but when it arrived it was worth every moment of the wait. We had a beautiful day, and the children were on brilliant form, it was such good fun. As it turned out the weather held for us until literally the last frame was taken and then torrential rain bucketed down as we had some lunch, it has been a strange year for the weather and I’m so glad the sun came out for our family photo shoot in Beaconsfield.

With my photo shoots I like to take in all the children’s favourite things to do and the places they like to go and so this shoot was full of fantastic activities from playing with their pet guinea pigs, a brilliant game of dinosaur bingo (which I enjoyed so much I bought it for my nephew the same day), we jumped on the trampoline, and read books. We enjoyed the garden and the incredible woods and fields adjoining the house which gave us so many opportunities for beautiful and relaxed pictures on our family photo shoot in Beaconsfield.

So today I’m sharing a couple of pictures as a sneak preview while I finish the processing and we arrange the viewing session where the whole selection can be seen, and frames and albums chosen.  These images really stood out for me as beautiful and dynamic shots of the three children together. I love to take an eyes-to-the-camera group shot but I really love to take the shots that just come together naturally as everyone plays together and has fun.  Taking pictures with all the siblings in together is something I really enjoy, and I hope you like these examples from my recent family photography session in Beaconsfield.

Find out more about my family photography on the website and do get in touch if you would like to arrange a photo shoot for your children, I’d love to meet you.