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Family Photographer London – at Kew

One of the most fantastic gifts you can give your children is photos of their childhood and, particularly, pictures with you in and this is where annual professional photo shoots come into their own. With the ubiquity of iPhones more and more of us take pictures each and every day. This is brilliant, I love how having a phone on me at all times means that I capture more moments, more memories. But I am sure I am not alone in only rarely printing those pictures. Also, for so many of us, there is one family member who takes the pictures and it’s lovely to make sure that everyone is in some of the photos. Many of my clients choose to have annual photo shoots to redress this balance, to ensure that everyone is in the pictures and, through albums and framed prints for the wall, make sure that the pictures are looked at every day and are preserved for the future.

Jennifer has arranged regular photo shoots for her family since Stella was three months old and I’m so pleased that I have been the family photographer for so long. After fifteen shoots I really feel I am part of the family and it’s always such great fun to visit the family, to have adventures together and to take pictures that everyone enjoys – the children particularly enjoy looking at their albums and Jennifer and Carlos always an album out on the coffee table for friends and family to look through.

In this session we visited beautiful Kew Gardens and spent a wonderful morning with the children, exploring the amazing gardens and taking pictures while everyone enjoyed themselves. We had amazing low light which made for such dramatic pictures. Using dramatic light takes experience and after fourteen years as a professional family photographer you can be sure that I can work with whatever the weather throws at us.

Annual photo shoots give us the opportunity to track year on year how children have grown and changed. I love looking back over a selection of images taken over the years and see what has changed and what remains the same – which expressions are there from the very beginning, a child’s smile, their laugh, and which poses and mannerisms are picked up over time, a mixture of home, friends, family and school and can lead to much hilarity for the adults. I know that, as the years pass these pictures become more and more important, looking back on the older shots is so interesting. I could, and do, spend hours enjoying photographs of my family that are framed all over my house and in the family albums that we all treasure, giving this gift to my clients is something I feel so lucky to do.

If you are thinking of starting to document your children’s lives in this way then today is a great time to start, there is no time like the present with the beautiful autumn weather it’s a lovely time to get out and about.

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