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Family Photography Baby & Child in South London

The fun of photographing babies and children

The next generation are a constant source of inspiration. I love meeting the children who will shape our world in the future, especially the feisty little girls who take no nonsense and are confident, funny, and fiercely intelligent. I love watching these little ones grow from tiny babies and seeing families grow and develop over time.

This was my second photo shoot with this lovely family and it as such a delight to see them all again, to meet the newest family member and to see that the baby I last photographed a couple of years ago has grown into such a wonderful little girl.  We had a brilliant time.

Going with the flow for a family photo shoot with young children

When photographing young children then a relaxed attitude and an ability to go with the flow is important. I never know when I get up in the morning how my day will go and that’s a big part of the fun for me, seeing how a day will develop and enjoying the delightful chaos of working with young children.

We were lucky with the weather for our photo shoot and managed to avoid a day of torrential downpours, instead we had beautiful light and the overcast day meant the park was empty. We headed out first thing to make the most of the quiet and to get the best of the weather which worked so well.

The local park is a brilliant location for photo shoots with such a lot of variety from wooded areas which are perfect for hide and seek to a brilliant playground where we spent some time while the little one slept.

Enjoying time at the playground on a family photo shoot

I’m a big fan of playgrounds for part of a family photography session. They are guaranteed to bring joy to the little ones and it’s always such a fun challenge to create images that tell a story and don’t include other park users. I love to include movement and action in my pictures and so I was thrilled with the opportunities offered.

I’m not sure which is more of a favourite, a panned shot running across the wobbly bridge or a fast shutter speed freezing the action as mother and daughter leap together from one bouncy platform to another. There’s so much innovation in playground design now and it’s always such a joy to see how the little ones approach the apparatus.

Home based photography for a baby and three year old

Then it was back home for an early lunch and some more fun activities. I often find with a toddler and baby combination that we have some points in the shoot where we focus on one child (when the little one sleeps) and then the other (when the older child has some quiet time after an active morning) as well as lots of time when everyone is playing together. This works so well for a brilliant selection of images.

I love how older children don’t want to mis out on the action so after an episode or two of a favourite program on the television they are ready to join in the play again.  I think my favourite shot of the day was really near the end, while playing in the cardboard shop, the proud display of the ‘Great Women who Changed the World’ book. I hadn’t even noticed the cover at the time, concentrating on composition, focus, and light, but I think it sums this little girl up so well. I won’t be surprised if she, and her little brother, change the world.

Hanging out with the next generation is a constant source of inspiration. I can’t wait to see what they get up to as they get older and I hope I’ll have the opportunity to take more photos and share them with you in the future.

Book your baby and family photography session in South London now

If you like what you have seen here on the blog today and would like to book a family session for your own children this summer then do get in touch. Availability is very limited in May, June and July so get in touch soon and we can get your date in the diary.  I take bookings for South London and all over the capital so drop me a line and let me know where you are based and the ages of your children and together we can plan the perfect photo shoot for your family.