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Family Photography in Clapham in South West London


Natural style family photo shoots

My second family photoshoot with these lovely children took me to beautiful Clapham in South West London. We had first met in 2023 when I visited the family to take a set of newborn pictures and so I was thrilled to return to see how the little ones had grown and to continue telling their story.

Regular photo shoots do take a bit of planning for a family, but the rewards are amazing. As you can see from browsing my growing up galleries where I’ve documented families over decades, these are the type of pictures which gain value over time, as the kids get older having these memories to look back on are priceless


Playing in nature

One of the things I love most about being a professional family photographer is how much time I get to spend in nature. It’s not many jobs that see you in parks and woods on an almost daily basis and I love how much children always embrace being outside and find fun and wonder in everything.

Heading out to Clapham Common we headed to one of the quieter corners. We wanted to find some shade and also to ensure we didn’t find ourselves in the path of the park run. We ended up in a beautiful corner with a lovely, shaded glade and some brilliant fallen logs to play on.

little-girl-laughing mother-and-son-balance-on-log laughing-children-sitting-on-log

Beautiful autumn light on our Clapham family photo shoot

The light was amazing and finding a pile of crispy dried leaves, the kids had an amazing time kicking and throwing them in the air, my first leaf throwing of the year, and an autumn activity I am looking forward to more of in the next few weeks

Finding a brilliant climbing tree, we stopped for some more play before heading home for a snack and some more family photos at home.

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As regular readers will know bubbles are one of my favourite things to do on a family photo shoot. They are endlessly entertaining and always create so many varied types of pictures. You can never predict how they will go, when they will pop, and so it’s a creative challenge that I love.

Working with very tricky light – bright sunlight on half the garden and deep shade on the other half it was a challenge to get even lighting on my subjects as they moved to chase the bubbles

The situation which made things tricky also, as is often the way, opened up opportunities too and the picture with the bubble shadows is one I’m particularly proud of, good light on my subject, perfect shadows and the bubbles doing just what I wanted. Images like this take conceptual planning as I see the opportunity and put myself in the right position for success and then wait for that little bit of luck that brings it all together.

little-boy-runs-into-bubble little-girl-plays-with-bubble-wand

Indoor play

We finished with a bit of play inside, winding down before the mid-day nap.

I love how we see so many moods over the course of a morning from the boisterous and exuberant to the tired and snuggly. Waving goodbye, the little one headed up to bed and then it was naps all round, tired and happy after a brilliant family photo shoot. This photographer certainly went to sleep on the tube.

toddler-gives-teddy-huge-hug little-girl-waves-while-crawling-through-door

Book an autumn photo shoot now

If you have liked what you have seen on the blog today, then do drop me a line via my contact form. There are very few spaces for autumn sessions left and I’d love to meet you and your family, together we can create some memories to cherish.