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Family Photography in the Countryside

Our sixth photo shoot together was enormous fun

For my sixth shoot with this lovely family, I travelled to their home in Wiltshire to spend a wonderful morning taking pictures in this stunning countryside setting. It’s wonderful seeing regular clients and feels amazing to me that I first met this lovely family when the eldest child was only 8 months old, back in 2012. Now, ten years later our regular sessions have become photo shoots that I really look forward to and which always result in wonderful images.

It’s an inspiring home to visit, beautifully designed with incredible pictures on the wall, an eclectic mix of styles and genres and a house where I often wish I had an extra few hours once I have finished to just look around and be inspired by the incredible sense of style. I find my clients beautiful homes a constant source of inspiration and it’s humbling to see my pictures displayed in such wonderful settings.

Fun activities on a family photo shoot

Since our first photo shoot I’ve always had such a lovely time with the girls, their infectious laughs and brilliant personalities fill me with such hope for the future. With girls like this in charge we will be in good hands. Fiercely intelligent, funny, and kind they are such a joy to photograph.

We had a brilliant time doing a plethora of wonderful activities. Starting with badminton, which is always such fun we moved through gymnastics, clay modelling and go-cart driving. I love how children have so much energy and so much enthusiasm for whatever activity is happening.

A fantastic den and a beautiful cornfield

We climbed trees and explored the girl’s den (a new bigger development from their last den and again filled with wonderful light). I love how children welcome me into these special places where they play – showing me how they created different paints mixing chalk and brick dust with water to decorate their space. They even have a hammock; I can see why they spend so much time playing there

We headed out and about for a bit too, visiting some stunning nearby cornfields where the paths cut through the crops enabled us to walk without causing any damage. I love shots like this where the world seems to stretch away for ever and the lines lead our eyes into the picture. Images with this sense of scale always appeal to me as they seem to capture a feeling of childhood with the world being so big and stretching away, full of possibility and adventure.

Book your autumn family photo shoot

It was a fabulous day from start to finish and I hope you enjoy this small selection of favourites from this photo shoot. Do explore the blog to see more examples of my work and please get in touch if you would like to book your own family photography session, I’d love to hear from you.