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Family Photography near Temple in London

Regular family photo shoots in London

I spent the most wonderful day in London recently with this lovely family who I have been lucky enough to see annually for the last four years. Each year we have spent a fantastic morning together, having fun and taking pictures. Pictures for everyone to treasure and for the girls to look back on as adults.

I love regular family photo shoots like these. It’s a pleasure to see everyone, to build strong relationships, and to see the girls grow up. Since our first session, when the youngest was just a few days old, I’ve been able to track the changes in beautiful and artistic family photos.

We always try to do something different on each photo shoot, to do an activity that is special to the family or to visit a favourite place. This gives variety to our images and means when the girls look through their albums as adults they will be transported back to their favourite places and their favourite games whether that’s riding bikes at the park round the corner, playing chess at home, or flying high in the air during a game of chase with their parents.


For this session we decided to head into central London and visit the area around Temple which is of significance to the family.

I was thrilled. As regular readers might remember from previous blog posts, my degrees were in Medieval History, three years at Cardiff and then a masters at Cambridge with my special subject being, you guessed it, the Templars (before Dan Brown wrote the da Vinci code I might add).

So, as you can imagine I was very excited to be visiting Temple Church, even if we didn’t go inside on this occasion (I guess the girls might not have been as excited as I would have been to see the tomb of William the Marshall who had become a Templar on his deathbed in 1219 fulfilling a vow he had made on crusade).

But enough of the medieval history! back to family photography. We had a brilliant time playing in the beautiful courtyards of the Inns underneath the watchful eye of the Templar brothers atop their column – which also marks the point where the great fire of London was extinguished.

The gardens

The colonnaded area was perfect for hide and seek which the girls loved.

From there we ventured to the beautiful gardens which I’d never visited before, a place of peace and tranquillity in the middle of London and a lovely spot for pictures.

Of course, while the adults enjoyed the beautiful plants, the children were ready for a playground and so we jumped in the car and headed to Primrose Hill for some time on the swings before everyone ran out of steam and needed to go home for a nap.

The playground at the bottom of Primrose Hill has been a real favourite of mine this year and we had a great time on the climbing frame and in the sandpit, fuelled by an ice cream which always gives a last burst of energy at the end of a photo shoot.

Book your photo shoot now!

I hope you have enjoyed looking at these today. If you would like to arrange your own family photography session this year do get in touch soon as weekends in the autumn are getting very busy and the Christmas deadlines always come round before we know it.

Drop me a line via the contact form as we can get your photo shoot in the diary and record memories for your family to treasure.