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Family Photography Session in Sevenoaks

A Fun-Filled Family Photo Shoot with Teenagers

Today I’m sharing a sneak peek from a family photography session in Sevenoaks in Kent.  This was my third shoot with Steph and her wonderful daughters and each one has been brilliant, so much fun and resulting in lots of beautiful portrait photographs.

One of the things I look forward to most about these sessions is the girl’s sense of fun – they always see the opportunities to have a really great time.  There is so much laughter as we take pictures, and this results in lovely images that really capture their personalities.

For this family photography session in Sevenoaks, as with most sessions I do with older children, we combined a walk in the local park with some pictures back at the house.  It’s nice to have a mixture of indoor and outdoor pictures and to record the home as well as the places where everyone likes to go for a walk and enjoy nature.

The pictures I’m sharing today – the sneak peek from this family photography session in Sevenoaks – were taken at home in the garden.  We had been for our walk, come home for a cup of coffee and a snack and were then taking some pictures in the garden with the family pets.  I can’t remember how the subject of dog agility came up but once it did it was only a matter of time before we started taking pictures.

I love to include activities in my shoots – games, sports, and challenges work particularly well as a sense of competition means that everyone is concentrating on the matter at hand and the camera gets forgotten.  That was certainly the case here as the girls raised the bar to see who would knock it down first.

It was hilarious, the girls and the dogs jumping in unison (or not) over various heights of jump.  I’m not sure who I was more impressed by, the girls or the dogs, all of whom seemed to spring to extraordinary heights.  It was such good fun and, as you can see, resulted in some wonderful photographs that are full of laughter.

I thought I would share one image of each of the girls, all having an amazing time on our family photography session in Sevenoaks.  I do hope you like them as much as I do.

If you would like to find out more about my family photography sessions with older children and teenagers then do take a look at the link.  If you would like to book something in for your own family this autumn then do get in touch, things are booking up fast and I’d love to get your date in the diary.