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Family Photography with Cousins

Annual photo shoots

When I talk to these incredibly lovely, funny, and intelligent young ladies I can hardly believe I’ve been photographing them since they were babies. I look back on those early shoots and their tiny cute little faces and think how incredibly lucky I am to have been invited to document their lives in photographs.

I love my job, it’s a pleasure and a privilege to work with my clients to create photographic memories together.  Over the years I’m lucky enough to have built strong friendships with many of my clients and I can’t wait to see what we will create together over the coming decade and beyond

Adding cousins to a family photo shoot

On this family photo shoot, our thirteenth together, we were joined by the girl’s cousins which was an absolute joy, two bundles of energy and laughter to add into the mix.


We spent much of our photo shoot in the family’s fantastic garden, huge and beautiful, and with all kinds of activities to entertain us.

From a fantastic game of hide and seek where I was pleased to see people tended to hide in places with beautiful light (I’ve trained them well), to giant Jenga, tree climbing, and, of course, a trampoline. There was so much to keep us entertained. The kids played and I took pictures, my favourite way to spend a day.

School uniform to mark the date

Over the years we have taken pictures to mark the important moments, starting school, starting new schools, it’s been lovely to take the classic uniform shot and incorporate that into our portrait photography session.


We finished with a swim, everyone’s favourite activity. The pool was piled high with floats and the kids had a brilliant time playing sharks and splashing around. Jumping in, as always, was a source of excitement and great pictures. What a perfect way to end the day.

It was a brilliant morning from start to finish and I can’t wait for next year!