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Family Photography with Teenagers in Penn


The joy of regular photo shoots

I’m catching up with blog posts from the end of the summer at the moment and I’m thrilled to be sharing a post today from my annual session with some of my favourite people. This, my sixteenth session with the lovely family, and it was one I had been looking forward to all summer.

Over the years we have had so many adventures from parks in West London, to exciting locations such as the London eye and an hour of culinary creation at Biscuiteers. We’ve played tennis and musical instruments, we’ve hung out with cousins, and we’ve swum in the pool, so many adventure and each year a treat


Finding backdrops for relaxed family photos

This year we decided to mix a walk in a nearby woods with some time at home. With teenagers I like to get out and about for a bit as it concentrates the mind, and allows us to find some lovely backdrops for relaxed photographs. The wood was beautiful, and the soft grey light gave a stunning luminosity to the day

Finding a mix of beautiful paths, things to sit on, trees to climb and gates to lean on – I love a gate, it’s easier to relax somehow when you have something to rest and arm on – We took lots of beautiful pictures and caught up on each other’s news. I love hearing about what the girls up to and I came home with some excellent book recommendations I’ve been enjoying.

Then it was back home for a snack and some pictures in the garden. The beautiful cat Pica got involved as always, definitely the most photogenic cat ever

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Games and laughter

Ball games provided so many laughs and I think one of my favourite photos of the day is the reaction shot during a game with the crazy catch. These are the kind of unguarded moments of family laughter that I like best, a story told and a real insight into everyone interacting together

From there to the trampoline which is always a favourite, and always a challenge to get everyone in the air at the same time – ‘One, two, three JUMP!’  Such fun for everyone

We finished with giant Jenga which is a game I adore. The big sets seem to be four by four which is much more stable and leads to much hilarity, there’s nothing like a competitive game to bring out the laughter.

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Book and autumn photo shoot for your family

It was a brilliant morning from start to finish and I’m having a great time designing the album and putting together some frame ideas for my client’s viewing session. It’s so rewarding to bring the images together into combinations my clients can enjoy in print.

If you have enjoyed this blog post and would like to arrange a family photo shoot for your children, then do get in touch sooner rather than later as the diary is getting very busy now as the Christmas deadlines loom. Drop me a line via the contact form and we can plan the perfect photo shoot for your family

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