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London Family on Vacation Photo Shoot

Family Photography while on holiday in London

London vacation photography sessions were a really big thing pre-pandemic and I’m so pleased they have returned now the world has opened up. Photographing families when they are on holiday visiting London is always such a joy and something I love to do.

Alyssa had got in touch back in the spring to arrange a session while she was visiting London with her family. She loved my creative style and wanted some images that would tell the story of their trip, and which they would enjoy looking back on and reliving the memories of their time in our wonderful capital city.

Taking in the sights of London

It feels strange as I write this blog to realise how different this shoot would have been if it had taken place just a couple of days later after the death of Elizabeth II when London was full of mourners and the idea of taking pictures in front of Buckingham Palace would have been impossible. As it was, we were able to traverse the city seeing different sites and visiting lots of tourist hot spots without too much in the way of crowds and with the city in a joyous mood enjoying some of the last of the summer sunshine.

An early start for London vacation photo shoots

Bright and early is always key when visiting some of London’s famous landmarks and so we met at 8am for a quick coffee and a croissant before starting to take pictures. The light was amazing, beautiful low sunshine which made for wonderful backlit images and also some cool silhouettes. I love to play with shadow and light and find that black and white works so beautifully to bring out the graphics in this style of images.

Including some of London’s architecture in my family vacation photo shoots I love to look for interesting angles and approaches. I like to take images that incorporate our beautiful city in pictures that range from the all-important group shot for the Christmas card, to the images as everyone just plays together and enjoys their day exploring the city. Together the different types of images tell a story – group shots, portraits and images of play and jumping in puddles, riding on the bus, all have so many memories attached.

‘Thank you for such a lovely photo shoot! We all had such a great time and felt like we were exploring the city with a dear friend! Can’t wait to see you work your magic!’

Kind words and fantastic days

After the session Alyssa sent me such a lovely message and I was so thrilled that everyone enjoyed the session as much as I did. We had such fun and there was so much laughter as we went from place to place. We walked ten kilometres according to my watch and I’m in awe of the kids who managed that without any complaint, in fact they ran most of the way, finding games along the way.

You know it’s been a good session when you have been on a bus, seen a pelican, had a lovely lunch, been to two playgrounds, and explored both sides of the river Thames, a perfect London family vacation photo shoot. When you finish tired and happy after a morning so full of adventure, it’s been a very good day.

I’m so pleased with the images and I can’t wait to share the full set with Alyssa and her family when I have finished processing them. In the meantime, this sneak preview of our family vacation shoot in London will whet the appetite and give an idea of what is to come.

Book your London vacation photo shoot now

If you have been reading this blog as you are thinking of booking your own family photo shoot when you are on holiday in London then do check out my London Vacation Photography page on the website or look at some other recent blog posts where we have been to some of London’s famous landmarks. I hope you will like what you see and be keen to book your own family vacation session, drop me a line via the contact form. I look forward to hearing from you.