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My Family Photography in Amateur Photographer Magazine

A Pleasure to See my Family Photography Work Published

Something that I love about my work as a brand ambassador for Canon is the opportunities it gives me to get involved with photographic education.  I love being able to teach this craft that fills me with such joy, whether that’s through in person lectures, online seminars, YouTube videos, or through written articles on the web and in magazines.

I was thrilled this month to be one of four photographers from around the world featured in an article on family photography in Amateur Photographer Magazine.  Amateur Photographer is a brilliant magazine, first published in 1884 it has been bringing up to date information about the photography world and inspiring countless photographers for generations. My dad used to subscribe when I was growing up and each issue is filled with fascinating articles and inspiring pictures that I remember pouring over as a teenager.

It felt a particular honour to be asked to contribute to this magazine that had a big part in my own journey with photography.

I was asked to talk about my work and share some tips that I thought readers would find helpful when photographing their own children.  This last year of lockdown has meant I’ve spent more time than ever before thinking about ways to share my skills and experience and so it was lovely to think of some ideas that readers could incorporate into their own work to improve their skills.

As restrictions lift and I get back to work I plan to continue to share my work in articles and seminars, to offer tips and techniques to improve the work of my fellow professional photographers and the many keen and talented amateurs out there. Together we will improve the standard of our work and create more interesting and creative images for our families and our clients.