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Natural Style Baby Photographer in Islington

Baby Photographer Islington

Today I’d like to share a sneak preview from a recent baby shoot in Islington in North London. One of the things I’ve missed so much during the pandemic is meeting such lovely people. It’s wonderful heading out early in the morning to visit new clients and to make new friends. This photo shoot, working as a baby photographer in Islington, was one of those brilliant mornings where I had such a great time getting to know this fun and energetic baby girl and her parents.

Arriving early to get the best from the day we headed out to a nearby park. We wanted to beat both the crowds and the rain, and we managed to do both. Finding a lovely leafy corner we explored the area, finding pockets of light and interesting things for the baby to look at; leaves to touch, mud to eat (if it’s messy it’s probably best to eat it!), and what seems to be a favourite activity for this fearless little one, flying both into the air and from one parent to another. I had a brilliant time using my new RF 85 f1.2L lens, and it was such a joy to capture these images of excitement and fun and the sheer joy on her parents face as they watch her learn and see her laugh. What a joy it is to be a baby photographer in Islington.

We played in the woods and then ventured out for a different background finding some majestic trees to include in family compositions. There are so many beautiful spots in Islington for creative baby photography. I love how nature grounds us and there is always something wonderful in the combination of majestic trees and tiny babies, the future and the past together in one frame.

Then it was back home for the little one to have her nap, it’s amazing what you can pack in in around 45 minutes before the morning sleep. A bit of a break with coffee for the grown-ups and then she was up and awake again, laughing, giggling and chewing on anything that came to hand. I guess that by now those first teeth will have arrived!

As always on baby photo shoots we moved around the house, finding different backgrounds and using the different types of light available in different spaces. I particularly loved the light in her nursery, there wasn’t much of it but when the sun shone it created these amazing shadows in her cot, producing a really dramatic and unusual image. Finding things like this and working the environment into my pictures is something I particularly enjoy.

It was a fantastic photo shot and I’m so thrilled with the pictures. I hope you have enjoyed this sneak preview from my work as a baby photographer in Islington. If you would like to book a session for your baby then do read more about it on my baby photography page, and then perhaps see what others have said about the experience in the reviews page or in recent press coverage. If you like what you see then give me a call or drop me an email, I’d love to meet you and your family.