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Sitter Photography London

What is sitter photography?

I had an enquiry for Sitter Photography London last week and I was baffled for a moment before realising that it was a new term for pictures of a baby sitting up which – at around the 6-9 month – is an age range I regularly photography when taking baby portraits.  I’ve been in the baby photography industry for almost nineteen years now, I started my business in 2003, and over that time different fashions for when to have professional baby photographs taken have come and gone. I’m thrilled to see that there is a resurgence for photographing babies who can sit up at around six to nine months old, it’s a delightful age. I’m looking forward to more Sitter Photography in London.


What are the benefits of a sitter photography session?

Babies in the 6-9 month sitting up stage are an absolute joy to photograph, and the resulting pictures are always full of joy and laughter, it’s a great time to book your portraits. It might be that your baby is crawling and that’s a lot of fun or they might just be sitting up, happy and inquisitive as they pay attention to the world around them.

There are a huge variety of images that we can take on a sitter session as your baby will be confident siting unaided.  From beautiful close-up portraits to images where you are playing and interacting with your baby. Images where you are enjoying active play or images where you are snuggling together.

Your baby will have interests by this point, they may have a favourite book, toy, or song and enjoying these everyday ay moments while I’m there to record them in pictures means you will have beautiful and meaningful images to look back on as the years pass.

If you have older children as well then, when your baby is sitting, is a great time to photograph the whole family. The children can play together without the responsibility of one of the older children having to ‘hold the baby’ instead they can sit together, play games, or enjoy sharing a toy. Watching an older child engage with their younger sibling is always such a joy and you can be guaranteed that your older child will know exactly how to make your baby laugh.

How does a sitter session work?

By this 6-9 month stage when babies are sitting up then many of them will also have established a routine. Not all babies have a routine of course, and it’s no problem if yours doesn’t, all sessions work around the little ones and they sleep when they feel like it as a well-rested baby is always a happy baby for photos.  What I like to do is arrive nice and early – usually around 8am when your baby has just finished breakfast. I find this is a really good time to start the session as everyone is feeling bright and full of energy. Most little ones have about an hour or so after their breakfast to play before their mid-morning nap and this is a great opportunity to get our photo shoot off to a really good start.

We can head outside if you the weather is good, or we can start the day at home which works well if your baby likes to have their sleep at home rather than out and about in their buggy.  This is a lovely time for pictures of your baby in their pyjamas, or a nappy with a pretty cover, as they roll about on your bed all snuggly and warm. We can take pictures in their nursery or as they play with a favourite toy or listen to a favourite song.

Then they have their nap as usual, and the adults can have a little break for a cup of tea or coffee.  Enabling the little ones to stick to their normal routine means everyone is happier and it keeps things nice and relaxed.

When your baby wakes up we can continue the session by heading outside (or sometimes we will head out while they sleep if your baby loves the movement of their buggy to lull them into sleep).  I love to take outdoor images as well as pictures in your home as there’s always something lovely about including nature in our images.  If it’s dry your baby can sit on the grass and this always results in beautiful pictures.  They might like to reach for bubbles or a rattle or maybe they have just discovered the swings and we can take pictures as they laugh with joy and excitement.

Sessions usually end around lunchtime but I only ever do one session in a day so we always have plenty of time to take brilliant pictures however the morning goes.

What to expect from your London sitter session?

At the end of your sitter session you can expect around 70 beautiful images to choose from, all in stunning black and white.  These will be a varied selection with portraits of your baby, shots with the rest of the family, detail shots and pictures as your baby has fun and plays with their toys.

From this selection you will be able to choose which images from your sitter photography london session that you would like to print. This takes place at your viewing session where my colleague will visit you at home with a nice big screen to show you your images.  I offer a wonderful variety of framed and unframed prints as well as other wall products such as acrylics and aluminium’s which can be a wonderful modern way to display your sitter photographs.  I also offer albums which are my most popular product and a wonder keepsake for you and your baby which you can return to again and again as the years go by.

This sounds great, how do I book a sitter photography session in London?

If you like what you have seen here on the blog do drop me an email via the contact form or give me a call and we can chat everything through. If you would like to see more examples of my baby photography then do take a look at my London Baby Photography page which has a beautiful gallery of images ,or scroll through the blog where you will see hundreds of baby sessions shot over the past nineteen years.

If you are still unsure if a sitter session is the right one for you and your baby, then take a look at my blog post on ‘The best age to photograph your baby’ which might answer some other questions

If you would like to find out more about me as a photographer, you can read the reviews from past clients or see press clippings from my work as a Canon Ambassador and educator of other family photographers. I’m the only family photographer in Europe to hold this prestigious post and you can be sure that Canon’s seal of approval means I will do an excellent job for you if you choose me for your sitter photography in London.

If you would like to look at prices you can find a full price list for my family photography work here as well as lots of examples of the frames and albums that we offer.

Any questions then do get in touch, and I hope you will pick me to photograph your baby for their sitter session.