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Underwater Family Photography

Underwater family photography is my new favourite thing

I love trying new things and so I was thrilled to have the opportunity to experiment with underwater family photography on a recent photo shoot.

I’ve always been fascinated by the combination of children and water in family sessions – paddling pools, water pistols, sprinklers and the sea.  There’s something about water that creates a wonderful sense of freedom and adventure that I absolutely love.  It’s chaos of course, and I usually end up soaked through, but it’s always worth it for the looks of joy on the children’s faces as they spray their parents with the hose or jump over an incoming wave.

Over the years I’ve tried various techniques and camera systems and even tried my hand at underwater family photography once before, but not for a while now.  I had a housing for a compact camera and a go-pro, I’ve also hired expensive cases for my DSLR and each have allowed me to experiment in different ways.  As regular readers know I love to experiment, pushing my work forward each day to make sure I continue to produce the most innovative and interesting family photography available.

On this family photography session – which has to have been one of my all-time favourites and I’ll share some other pictures soon – we did so many different things and so I felt happy experimenting with underwater family photography right at the end.  I’m so glad I did.  After taking some awesome shots of the children leaping into the pool and splashing about I donned my snorkel and dived in myself.

This is one of my favourite shots and I’m thrilled to share it as a Just One today.

I’m so pleased with the energy of the image, all the children leaping in together, having so much fun on this blisteringly hot day.  I love the streams of bubbles and how we can see the churning of the water on the surface of the pool, disturbed a fraction of a second before by the children plunging into the water.

I love how each child is doing something so different and each so full of personality, these three fantastic children filled with joy.

I think black and white is the perfect medium for shots like this, the contrast of the bubbles and the pool working so well for a really dramatic shot.

I think underwater family sessions will definitely be something I aim to do more of in the future – I do hope I have an opportunity to try it again soon.

To find out more about my family photography do get in touch.  There is very limited availability towards the end of August and the autumn is booking up fast.