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Creating a Sense of Wonder in Regents Park

Let it Snow?

Christmas is around the corner and this image feels so Christmassy that it jumped out as a Just One from my recent family photography session in Regents Park.

This was my third annual session with Syavash since we first me when he was only a week old and they are sessions that I always really look forward to as they are always filled with such joy and laughter.  This family photo shoot was no exception and we had such a brilliant time.

I’ve always loved winter photo shoots, although it’s cold and we can’t spend too long outside, when we do get out the light can be absolutely spectacular and also I really enjoy working indoors. Having a session split into two is fantastic for my creativity and for providing a wide variety of images to my clients.  For this session we went for a short walk to take family photographs in Regents Park and then back to the apartment for some pictures there.

The morning light was incredible and it’s been hard to choose a favourite from the outdoor shots but this one really captures the feeling of Christmas.

One of my jobs as a family photographer is to create something extraordinary from what’s in front of me and, when we stopped by the fountain to look at the water, I realised there was an opportunity to take a picture that would, at first glance, look like snow.  Using a wide aperture of f2.2 I focused on Syavash and allowed the water droplets to blur into these beautiful snow-like globes.

I also, I admit, love the little detail of the car and the London bus clutched one in each hand.  Like all toddlers Syavash refused point blank to wear gloves but held tightly to his cars as we ran around the park.  Who wouldn’t want to have a toy to hand at all times?

Pictures like this work for me, they have the wonder of childhood, they show favourite toys, and they are also creative, producing something special from our every-day locations.

I hope you like it as much as I do, today’s Just One from a recent photoshoot in Regents Park in London.